MI Audio Cruch Box


New member
Heard alot about this pedal from other forums. Just want to get some views from our local lads what they think. The reviews so far has been glowing but i'd like to take everything with a pinch of salt.

Now got the upcoming progress package looking into getting some new pedals. Looking for high-gain stuff..leaning towards more boutique end stuff instead of the usual run-of-mill boss types. i have shortlisted the following candidates

Proco Turbo Rat or You Dirty Rat (anyone with any exprience with rats?)
MI Audio Crunch Box
CatalinBread Teaser Stallion
Diamond pedals FireBurst

anyway i'm more of a rhythm player.Palm-muted stuff. Looking for distortion that borders on fuzz but doesn't really have that much hair if you know what i mean. I'd like Billie Joe's wall of marshall sound but if can get sonically close on a solid state i'd die a happy man.

My set-up goes like this. SG guitar into a LS-2 (which i set-up to toggle from my JH-1 for slight grit overdrive and Tech21 double drive for my high-gain stuff) into a DD-3. I place the pedals in front of a clean amp. no money for tube..go solid state instead. Preferbly amp-wise i go for Fenders...with their bright cleans so my gain has to come from pedals instead of overdriving the gain channels.

so if anybody got any experience with the above mentioned pedals do let me know....or if got other pedals to recommend.Thanks
If you're looking for something that borders on fuzz with not try some of the effector 13 fuzz pedals. Mr Misse has quite a few in stock now, all of them have slightly different tonal charateristics in terms of fuzz. Some have nice round rhythm tones and some even extreme along the lines of octavia tones. And they are very well priced.

The RedWitch Fuzz god is pretty damn good as well.

The MI Audio crunch box or tubezone won't give you any fuzz.

Fuzz is a very interesting effect to use, I highly recommend that you check it out, it's slightly unpredictible, but it's not for everyone and it'll make your sound stand out.

Way too many people out there using distortion IMHO.

A very nice versatile dist box would be the tonebone classic or hot british. If I'm not wrong there's someone on luther classifieds right now selling a hot british and a MI Audio GI Fuzz.

cereal said:
.Palm-muted stuff. Looking for distortion that borders on fuzz but doesn't really have that much hair if you know what i mean.

Actually. Palm muted stuff and fuzz don't mix well at all....
Yeah that's true.

If you're looking for that big tone with a tinged of fuzz subtleties why don't you check out the Big Muff?

My advice would be to go with Germanium based fuzz pedals for that big warm rounded fuzz tone.
Well, skreddy's stuff are all based on fuzz. :) Very surprising.... and the screwdriver is one of the most dynamic fuzz/od/distoriton boxes out there. Throw in a booster like your Tech21 Double Drive, you get pretty heavy stuff. Check the clips in www.skreddypedals.com Amazing stuff. Don't know why he ain't making it yet.
If your looking for Billie Joe marshall sound the crunch box puts it right in the ballpark. Get some P90s and your abt there on the American Idiot tone. Crunchbox is basically good for that one sound, marshall crunch kinda thing.

Tonebones are good but i find they are tweaky, need to tweak quite a bit to get it to sound right. Too many knobs and switches heh.

Lifehouse said:
Crunchbox works well with my SG. However, it's alittle noisy, doesnt clean up too well.

Hmm, Lifehouse i find that mine cleans up quite well in fact, might be difference in setup. I put the gain at abt 1oclock and roll off my volume i can get pretty close to the AC/DC tone wise. Nice little pedal but i find it kinda dark with my setup, could use slightly bit more presence. Apparently the new version gives it a bit more range in that dept. And yes on the noise dept too.

Yay paulc says my timmy sld be on the way in 3 weeks.
Ciel, you are using P90s, Lifehouse is using humbuckers aye? Could be because of output that the Crunchbox doesn't clean up well?
Could be. P94s dun really sound like P90s, think humbucker fatness with some more bite. the Neck pup still sounds as fat but with slightly more bite not that much diff.
Bite is good. ;) What other pedals are there to recommend... hmmmm...

Analogman's modded DS1 would give the Crunchbox a run for its money IMO. That one is what the DS1 should have been, and man, it was a killer killer killer standalone rhythm machine! Think tightness, biting attitude, crunch and great chug, all in 1, and what? No fizz in sight.

However, since I don't require a killer rhythm pedal (also had a Skreddy screwdriver on the way) I sold it off to the lead player of Ronin... he was mighty impressed by that Analogman DS1. The rhythm guitarist of Ronin is using it now I believe.

Perhaps you could check that out, 109USD only I believe.
Amp - i have a kustom quad 35 and marshall valvestate 15 watter

Not really looking for a tone thats exactly fuzz but got its thick,full-bodied characteristics

Btw how much did you guys get your crunchbox for plus shipping? ordered straight from his website or third party retailer?

ShredCow - What skreddy pedal do you have? the screwdriver after listening to the clips sounds sweet
i have the skreddy screwdriver. It IS indeed sweet. Its an original design, and therefore, it boasts a unique tone. I would think, old school tone purists would hate the Screwdriver because it does not sound vintage in any way.

Anyway... with that in mind. you can easily hear how versatile the thing is, going from OD to Distortion to Fuzz, from mild to raging. You can hear the touch sensitivity. You can hear the way the pedal is NOT compressed like a Tubescreamer. No blooming of notes there, which is a big plus for me.