Mayhem: Ordo Ad Chao



Mayhem: Ordo Ad Chao (Season of Mist)

The unshackling is evident.

Ordo Ad Chao unfolds with the return of grim vocalist extraordinaire, Atilla Csihar. The master’s navigation through Ordo Ad Chao’s dark waters is sheer governance. Spoken words, doom drone & customary shrieks are underscored by urgency. There isn’t a predictable vocal episode, the man was given free reign to deliver this Mayhem release from shadow territory to contemporary dominion; this was done easily.

As prior releases Chimera & A Grand Declaration of War threatened to slump Mayhem’s league into gloss acceptance & androidal embrace respectively, the essence of Ordo Ad Chao is a timely reminder that the band remains to be this millenium’s valid black metal authority. The avoidance of traditional song structures reflects a self-initiated removal from the conventional but the musicians in Blasphemer, Necrobutcher & Hellhammer continue to propel wisdom & complete control in tandem with the genre’s apocalyptic & heretical dictations.

Ordo Ad Chao is quasi-unpalatable but on hindsight, this is the choice product of those who dare to tread the damned trail. It is certainly not the preferred release to initiate yourselves to the genre but an example of what it transmutated to be. Surprisingly, it stays true to form.

Rating: 90%

PS: Thank you Inokii for the limited edition metal slip case.