Math Metal/Mathcore


New member
anyone else into this particular genre of music ?

i got into it about a year and a half ago, when a friend turned me on to meshuggah and "Destroy, Erase, Improve". There's been no looking back since, though it's only in the last 6 months or so that I got my hands on some insanely innovative, intelligent and completely insane bands of this largely exclusive genre.

Currently, I am tripping on Sikth and Tesseract. Sikth, in particular, never fail to leave me absolutely gobsmacked every time I listen to them. It's like getting sucker punched in 360 degrees when you have no clue where it's coming from.

Recommended hearing:

Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects
Between the buried and me
Dillinger Escape Plan
Elements (UK)
New Way Home (NZ)
Zero Hour
Norma Jean
August burns Red
Correct me if I'm wrong but in maths metal, the timing of the song changes progressively?

Like let's say first 2 bars of the song is in 7/4 timing and the next 2 bars is in 2/4 timing therefore the next 2 bars would be in 5/4 timing (7-2 = 5)?

Its quite interesting nonetheless....
correct me if i'm wrong..

the word "math" shud come from the word "aftermath", so the reason of it being chaotic and technical..

to describe this genre in layman terms, DISASTER! hahahaha! but i still like it..

Daughters anyone?
thanks for the list! i've only heard Dillinger, Between The Buried and Me, Converge and Norma Jean, and out of those i'm still only into Between The Buried and Me. but i'm getting into the whole math metal thing a bit more, i will be sure to try and check out some of the other bands you listed!
Math metal is really just progressive metal with alot of focus on the time signatures, I believe.

if you search "math metal" on wikipedia you get redirected to progressive metal.

"rogressive metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music which blends the powerful, guitar-driven sound of metal with the complex compositional structures, odd time signatures, and intricate instrumental playing of progressive rock. Some progressive metal bands are also influenced by jazz fusion and classical music. Like progressive rock songs, progressive metal songs are usually much longer than standard rock songs, and they are often thematically linked in concept albums. As a result, progressive metal is rarely heard on mainstream radio and video programs"
i hate all these genre sub thingy..
there used to be thrash metal / glam metal / death metal / shock metal (KISS Era) / and ROCK N ROLL .. now gt like 30+ genres of metal alone ..
i hate all these genre sub thingy..

i'm with you there. the variation of metal as it is today is either tempo/ vocal manipulations/ both. the common person's inability (more of the lazy journalist perhaps?) to label such music to invoke a strict genre definition, lead to these ridiculous labels.

what's '-core' in the music domain when they say 'emo-core/ metal-core'?
i'm with you there. the variation of metal as it is today is either tempo/ vocal manipulations/ both. the common person's inability (more of the lazy journalist perhaps?) to label such music to invoke a strict genre definition, lead to these ridiculous labels.

what's '-core' in the music domain when they say 'emo-core/ metal-core'?

no one said anything about "strict" genre definitions :?

i'm not one for listening by genres either. it's just that when you are looking to introduce people to a new sound that you've heard, giving it a name makes it easier :) you can call it avant-garde-jazz-metal/hardcore for all i care !

the point of this thread is that a clutch of these new bands have a very new, very exciting sound and people should give it a listen :) not to discuss the importance of genres, which IMHO are only important as guidelines to get where you want to, not to restrict one's musical tastes.
the variation of metal as it is today is either tempo/ vocal manipulations/ both.

oh, and i didn't quite get this. because if you're saying that the bands i just mentioned differ from trad metal only due to "tempo/vocal manipulations", then that is a gross oversimplification of things !
yeah you do need a little genre naming to at least put a context to the music for people who don't have an idea of what it is.

oh, and i didn't quite get this. because if you're saying that the bands i just mentioned differ from trad metal only due to "tempo/vocal manipulations", then that is a gross oversimplification of things !

Oh don't forget instrumentation wise as well, besides tempo/signature/vox.