Mass Order Strobostomp


New member
Anyone interested in Strobostomp

10 Strobostomp (Immediate Shipping, once everyone paid up)

1. j_b_g

Rules: Join only when you have made up your mind and have the money readily to pay. ( No waiting till month end, ran out of cash later, etc)

Disclaimer: j_b_g Not Liable for all Losses or Damages

check with MF on the shipping... I've had friends who paid 40 USD for shipping. YES, 40USD for 1 pedal. I dunno abt multiple pedals but best to check.

You might want to consider a more personalised service from say, analogman, at least get him to test the strobostomps before sending them over. Some people have complained about the reliability of the unit, so it would be a good idea to have analogmike check it out IMO.

See, another prime example of posting from work. Man. I'm not skilled enough yet.

Well, I would go for Analogmike still personally. At least he can open it up and test test check check. Call it anal-ism but if I had to ship it back to peterson should anything happen, i hope to have it checked up.
guys this is a good deal, provided everything works out.

the strobostomp is really the best stompbox tuner on the planet! :D
eh jbg, can u do a mass order on pickguards next time? from pickguard paradise? man i will JOIN for sure.
V keen. When are you gonna finalize the order and send the money? an approximation? 270 is a good deal. incl S&H?
hmm - I got built in tuners in my ME30 as well as accoustic guitar preamp ...
Reasons I want one:
1. Trying out different tuning temperament (Programable Temperament)
Not sure if there are cheaper alternative that offer this feature
There are many formulas in their forum
2. 100% True Bypass
3. 0.1 cent accuracy, probably unmatched.
4. As Active DI (already had one, but don't mind having one more)
5. It's in a StompBox for guitarist, nice
6. Big, Bright LCD Screen
7. What else can I ask for in a tuner?
8. Want one for a while already
9. ...

Actually the first 3 reasons only :lol: :wink: StroboStomp/StrobostompManualUpdate_0505.pdf
haha. j_b_g give the softies sopme time to decide la. looks like not much fresponse yet. hee
Yes, the StroboStomp has a three year warranty.
You have to pay the shipping to them. (Out of good faith, I can help with the shipping)
They will pay return shipping IF the repair is covered by the warranty. :D
Yo I'm interested.

But if it takes too long to collate a list of ten-strong strobo softies, then I would much rather get one new. We shall see.

In any case...

Can you provide details as to the shipping options?

How long it will take, is it insured, will a tracking number be provided?

It's quite a big risk however, say if a pedal gets here and it's DOA. Suay is Suay but I suggest formulating a contingency plan or some other agreement with the seller in order to prevent something like this from happening (Eg, test each unit prior to shipping.) I've been in this kind of situation before and trust me it sucks.
Also what mode of payment do you intend to use for the pedals and shipping?

Paypal, credit card, wire transfer?

If you're going via paypal what about the paypal fees? Etc...
i'm interested too man.. but.. which should come 1st?

evidence audio cables for my board patches..



besides.. i've ran out of cash.. need to wait for pay day.. lets see how long this can drag.. i need another 18days to decide my purchases.. damn..
Gotta tune your guitar before plugging it in...but then again you need a cable to plug it into the strobo... ;)

Oh yeah, speaking of which, JBG I believe there is a local dealer here in Singapore for Strobos, have you thought of approaching them first with the proposal of a deal on a bulk discount?
actually both stuff i have..
i got patch cables and got a tuner already!
but both need upgrades! GAS!! :twisted:
The strobo is highly recommended. Those who are skeptical about paying that kind of money ( which is twice the price of a dt-10 or tu-2) usually have not tried a strobo or used one.

Unlike most gear where u keep thinking of trying new ones or changing down the road. The strobo is "it" for tuners. You get it and never have to think about it again. One less puzzle of the gas jig saw board.