Lowering of action?


New member
Can anyone tell me how should the action of the guitar be adjusted?

Should I DIY or bring it to some guitar shops to have it done? Please tell me of some good places where I can have it done nicely and how much will it cost approximately. Thanks! :D
A lot has been discussed about this, doing a search'd be great.

You can start by lowering your bridge using an allen wrench. :wink:

lol.. floyd rose.. fiddly.. my suggestion is to take it to Guitar workshop (beside teh rear of artfriend at bras basah)... see (and ask questions) how the guy sets it up and then borrow a book on guitar maintenance from the library (trust me there are those availible) to pin-point what you really need to do with the floyd rose bridge.

you don't want to pay money everytime you set up ur guitar :wink:
I disagree...DO NOT take it to Guitar Workshop...They did a horrible horrible job on my Prestige....THANK YOU SHREDCOW AGAIN FOR FIXING THEIR DAMAGE....they adjusted my edge pro so that it wont go two way can u believe that....when i tried to use the bridge it wouldnt move!!!....so i told them what the hell have u done...and they said oh if we make the bridge movable the action will be really high which one do you want???I said fine I will learn to play on high action fix the bridge...and my action was so frikkni high that I would probably need 2 fingers to press a string down :evil:

Once daniel(shredcow) opened up my bridge..he saw what they had done to my baseplate....

I dont know about the indian guy working there...he is totally insane but i hear he is very knowledgable...but it was the other guy who fixed my guitar..and killed it.... :?
I believe that is the answer for your question from bluepowder :D
Righteous fire burns brightly.

Actually, I'm not some guru or uber knowledgeable guitar "Tech". I just happened to notice what was wrong with Sid's guitar.

Again, aye, Sid you have a valid reason to let that fire burn.
I think there are a lot of musicians like me who did not have the right guidance and got looted by a lot of shops...These guys know when an inexperienced customer walks in...its like we have neon signs over our heads :D
Its the way you walk man. The way you hold your guitar. You can sign up for "How to look Professional: Living the Guitarist's Life" lessons with me. 8)


Okay okay... I bet ppl are rolling their eyes now. :p

I learnt it the hard way too, except I guess.. I was more "fortunate" than some very bad/sad cases here. Better now than later, or worst, never!
I just want to say that you really need to be careful with who you give your guitar to for fixing. There are some really screwy guys out there.
i think beez did repair mine once.. good job hahaha.. but well i think every guitarist should learn how to take care of their instrument.. n yea as this is a how-to-guitar forum ..i suggest some pro like shredcow put more lesson about taking care of guitar hahaha..(abit unfair to e guitar tech eh??)
mekz, I would love to help out, in fact, people are free to pm me and ask me. I'm not a pro, but I do love my instrument and I know how to take care of her. Well, there's always malcom if i screw up. 8)

Thing is, the following usually takes place.

1) I ask them to call, they shy, never call, don't want to call.
2) They ask where I live, oh too far!
3) They ask free or not? I say a few packs of strings, they go, "oh... okay nvm"

The thing that ticks me off the most is (1). I'm not going to type out essays anymore.