Leaving Me Behind - Khai Han Original


New member
Ok Ok. Check it out. I've did an awesome recording session (though a bit boring at the end bit cos i was partly tired, but Sarah's singing was awesome) at Amos (from Infinite Flight)'s place with Sarah. All the credits go to Amos for the mixing and everything and Sarah for her opinions! You guys rock!

So here it is. Ok ok. Its not fully done yet, cos the drums aren't in (not sure how to do this part) and the bass isn't in (waiting on Amos) but it sounds great to me, nonetheless.

The singing.. I could have done much much better to be rather honest. Though Amos did his magic, i know i could have done much better. (Maybe i should have sang a tone lower....) Oh well....

So check it out! I'll make it available to download for fans in bout a month. :D

i was wondering who was playing the guitar.

woot woot...

and is it me or you've yet to really scream in your songs..
not those emo, hardcore screams... just a louder powerful voice to express a deeper 'ferfeeling'
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I upped the key by a tone.. anyway, i was still tired from yesterday's activities... but yeah i agree. i should work more on my accents...
ho ho ho u're welcome khai! had fun dong it. i personally think it was a damn productive session.

yea but would like to hear what more ppl have to say about the recording quality and the song as well
try not to get carried away on the accent.

it will sound what the malay would say "menyampah"

fishtank has one of the better accent ive heard
well, i've been singing that way to be honest and i prefer it as good pronounciation. if malays think its menyampah, then ask them to pronounce 'pronunciation'.

i can't be bothered to think what common malays think anymore. they're so... urgh.

yes i'm malay. an Alpha Minus.

Helmholtz rule! Bernard sucks! Pray for John!

Huxley anyone?
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agreed, enough said. i cant really say much here without getting pointed at and accused of beign racist. but i do wonder if dissing your own religion is considered racist
well, firstly bro, its religion. so technically if you were a hater against a religion, wouldn't that make one a religion-ist? or just a hater?

race-ist = race hater
religion-ist = religion hater

touchy topic. thus i shall stop.

i already listen to your songs la, all of them. on youtube and that funny reverbataiteamlsdf website...

eh khai yoru a song writer right?

you think you can help me write one for my original?

anyways, those 2 categories you just gave..
yes im both. but only to my own kind..
Hi khaihan, glad you liked the result.

Please do post comments about the recording and mixing, would be gladly appreciated.
WAHHHH!!! I like your voice! I think you should keep it up with the accent. The "English" accent, I mean. It really does help make your songs sound "English" and pleasant. Don't use Malay accent! Please.. I can't imagine how it would sound with English songs (Yuck!). That, I dare say, will sound completely "menyampah" and unsuitable. ;)

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