Kanye in Singapore!

yeah it was postponed cos kanye and his assistant went ballistic on some paparazzi in some airport and they were arrested etc.
but it clashes with camera obscura now so..
yeah its really a shame that it clashes with camera obsura.. guess the organisers prolly never thought camera obs fans might be kanye fans as well. haha.

i refunded my tickets to kanye.. unwillingly... but.. oh well. goodbye kanye, hello camera obscura!

With any luck maybe the untalented idiot will get jail time. Support Motley Crue! Not this Ghetto Crap! I cannot believe this kind of cRap is supported on this forum! Is'nt there a hip hop gangsta wanna be forum somewhere in Singapore? Sorry, but Kanye just isn't music!
Some shredding metal guitarist... Good with finger tapping and such. I heard he's king of high gain distortion.
Shame it wasn't THE 'glow in the dark' performance though! With crazy lights and effects and spaceship etc :( I was sorta expecting that, based on the writeup from Sistic.

Great gig nontheless!
oh it wasn't???
but wasn't it all dark with him coming out in glow in the dark stuff??
tell me about it PLEASE i didn't go :( :( :(
Kanye made me believe in hiphop again.
i'd say it made a huge impact on me watching him last night
stand out tracks were the faves, : Flashing Lights, Heartless, Love Lockdown, Golddigger, The good life, throughthewire, jesus walks...

also worth the mention were the opening acts, Ko Flow and the beatboxers. Brilliant. The crowd's response to them was amazing

Mr West' set started late, around 2115hrs, but he gave a well thought performances which lasted for close to 2 hours, longer than the stipulated time mentioned on the write up.

i was seriously hoping Lupe Fiasco would to make a guest appearance... but.. sigh.

one of the more innovative and extravagant hiphop artiste now. with the right flair to stylin and profilin.
With any luck maybe the untalented idiot will get jail time. Support Motley Crue! Not this Ghetto Crap! I cannot believe this kind of cRap is supported on this forum! Is'nt there a hip hop gangsta wanna be forum somewhere in Singapore? Sorry, but Kanye just isn't music!

fulltone, you are such a bigot. just because you don't like the music, doesn't mean that it's "ghetto crap". you don't know how degrading that is on so many levels. i myself don't like hip-hop, but millions of other people enjoy it. WHY? because they find it good music.

so next time before you decide to make a fool of yourself, jump off a building first.