Iron Cobra Users


New member
hey i have this squeak in my left pedal. but i can't point out where it's coming from.

i'm not too concerned about the irritating squeak
i'm more concerned about the friction and i'm afriad my pedal my spoil quickly.

anybody got similar experience? wat do i do about them?
drummar-buah said:
wat do i do about them?

Change to Elims!!! Hahahahahaha!!

Just jokin!

Lube the bearings, hinges and joints with Cooking oil or with the cheap Singer oil.

That shld do the trick..

One rule to rule em all: Don't use WD40!! Its a dust magnet!
i feel like having elims and ICs actually!! haha i'm just a poor boy though..

which one is bearings, hinges and joints.. sorry man i'm so fkin noob.
wad WD40 wad dust magnet??? :oops:
be a little tolerant to wat i'm about to say. :oops:

lubricant oils like Singer oil and cooking oil and WD40 help to smoothen the bearings, but only temporarily. they themselves become solvents which strips the bearings of the grease or in-built lubricants deep in the bearing.

you might have heard of O-rings before. these lubricants are not O-ring safe, thus permanently damaging the bearing and joints if they were not meant to be lubricated with these products.

Technical references advice NOT lubricating bearings or O-ring chains (which means the pedal chain too) to preserve the life of the part. Modern day technology has inbuilt bearings with lubricants to last the lifetime of the part without additional oiling (eg: motorcycle axle bearings). Chains might require lubrication but only with proper chain lubes that are o-ring safe.


drummer-buah: look for those places on your slave pedal which move when the pedal is pressed and do not have have proper friction-reducers (ie: bearings).
gaderel_dathamonga said:
Btw how do we adjust the angle of the footboard??? Haha i'm quite the idiot here... so please advice... Thanks in advance...

Cool!! U have Iron cobra too.. But is that urs? :wink:
gaderel_dathamonga said:
Btw how do we adjust the angle of the footboard??? Haha i'm quite the idiot here... so please advice... Thanks in advance...

There are only 2 places on the pedal (4 on the double pedals) that you can use the allen wrench on, one is for the footboard angle, the other for the beater angle. You'll need to adjust both to get your preferred feel, so just experiment with the settings. Just look out for the "holes" which the allen wrench can fit into.
i sorta had the same problem last time, with a diff brand(forgot what it was)... its most probably coming from either the spring or the part above the spring which in most cases is the triangular thing that is connected at the side to the spring... and its often coz u've used it alot... i'm just giving my view and my opinion, although i'm sort of a noob at all this...