I'm imkeith


Hey people Im imkeith lol..18 years of age
I've been playing the guitar for barely 6-7months
being all green on equipments i stumbled upon soft which really kinda helped
haha as we all know to achieve our perfect tone can be an very expensive trial and error so yea soft's the solution to make it cheaper i guess haha:twisted:
another reason why i joined soft, it's that im hoping to meet for ppl who share the same kinda love for music as i do.
My idols you ask ? i gotta say it's gotta be mick mars,slash,yngwie,paul gil.,batio,alexi,kirk,petruci,randy rhodes and the list goes on...
Why guitar you may ask, honestly im not sure i just have a thing for strings

Currently i own an Ibanez RG350EX and a Laney LG20amp along side some crappy acoustic

only regret i really had is to pick up guitar at such a later point of my life
watching people play their hearts out in the earlier part of my life when metal and hard-rock became something that i couldnt do part with, so be it strumming simple chords or the craziest licks i'd just sit there watching them in envy. Oh well i guess guitar as a hobby isnt what one would simply call cheap but i guess nothing beats the feeling when one get's their very first axe am i not right? haha ;)

Cheers :twisted:
Heya Keith!

Wassup? Enjoy your time here!

And a word of advice : Ignore those who post replies (in threads) that annoy or bug you. :cool:

That's one of the best ways to ensure that your stay here on soft is a pleasant & happy one. :)
And a word of advice : Ignore those who post replies (in threads) that annoy or bug you. :cool:

+1, golden word of advice.

Don't be afraid to ask any burning questions, no matter, how dumb you think they can get.

Everyone benefits from it.

But before you ask, do a search first to see if you can find related threads pertaining to your questions.
Yeps. When i first came into soft, i used to get headaches just from reading & replying to some users' comments. It used to bother the crap outta me.

But not anymore!

Cos I have discovered the secret of eternal happiness here on soft!

woah wasnt expecting so many replies haha thanks guys but sometimes it the post gets extremely technical but still i really feel i started at a horribly late age

Heya Keith!

Wassup? Enjoy your time here!

And a word of advice : Ignore those who post replies (in threads) that annoy or bug you. :cool:

That's one of the best ways to ensure that your stay here on soft is a pleasant & happy one. :)
anw i love trolls :twisted::twisted:
you dont lie!!!! haha your post 655 by the time u reply me 656!!!
and you never came across a troll before!!? which forum got no troll one lol impossible:twisted: bwahaha unless that is your one of em:cool::cool:
Keith - no lah, as in how do you define a "troll"? :rolleyes:

I lie to you for what? Not say I can get lifetime supply of Swensons food or anything.
hi keith welcome to soft. i started at a late age too. learnt my first chord at your age. now im learning my second chord, G!

yeah before you create a thread, do a lil search first you wont know if the issue has already been addressed.

enjoy your stay here!

oh yeah i know a troll. his nick is Bloodtype. do a word search for "meh" and voila!

no you cant but you can get have my sister for free she'd prolly last your meat stockpile a month :cool:

The following errors occurred with your search:

1. Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : meh


Never buy package learn all the chord a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z?
so how much yahama charged you for learning a single g chord :mad::mad: