I stood next to a girl in the train. but..


New member
Hi fellow softies, I don't own a blog. So this is the only place i can share my emotions. so please just 'entertain' ok? ;)

Am I chicken sH*! or what?

Not too long ago, i stepped into a train doing travelling my normal routine. it was sardine packed and the only available spot was a corner close to the door. there was a girl standing there. so i squeezed over and stood beside her. well, she's not exactly drop dead gourgeos but really sweet.

Since it was so packed we stood shoulder to shoulder and before i realized it she was leaning against me (like a gf :mrgreen:) neither of us budged even when the train was already half empty, like we're enjoying each other's presence. much as i wanted to, i really desired to open my mouth and get to know her but i was too scared just to look at her.

Then it was time i got off and as i stepped down the train only did i glanced back to take a good look at her face. that was the only time we made eye contact: the few seconds between door close.

arrgh!! why didn't i just talk to her! we stood there for almost half an hour. the following days after i never saw her anymore over the same routine. ah.. regrets regrets. it took me almost a month to get over it.

now you all know how a geek i am. :(
damn man you missed a good one. well doesn't matter. there are other fish in the ocean. perhaps this experience teaches you to do whatever it takes to get what you want, even if it's as insignificant as talking to a pretty lady.
sorry if i used insignificant.

i was like you. i avoided girls. then i realised my mistake and i opened up more. talk to strangers. my main topic usually is music. it hasnt let e down yet.

btw how old are you?
i would really love to give you shit but think that's nasty and not really helping. you could've done the following the make an impression

1. smile and say hi. if she smiles back and says hi, then you're off the block
2. don't alight the train till she does...tell her she owes you one cos you forgone your stop so she didn't have to move from the 'support pillar'. if she says ok, you're off the block
3. hold her hand...if she doesn't shrug it off, you're off the block
4. if all else fails, at least squeeze her butt!

Global economy and technology have advanced so fast it's blinding. We won't get shit if we don't make the move quick enough.

Threadstarter could've made the following statments when he gets 'caught'

1. oh i'm sorry. i was so engrossed in that moment of sweetness i lost track of my moral standing.
2. the sweetness of your scent drifted me to another place i wasn't comprehending things rightly.
3. i figured it's going to be my only chance to ever do this...i shall not apologise for my actions were not ungentlemanly but of a man engulfed in your glorious prescence.

Wah lau....sure win lah!

yes. this is exactly what i would do if i was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask!
this really makes you a pervert. if she doesnt do anything after number 4, then she's a... well.. you know.

but really. next time if you encounter anything like this, strike up a conversation. talk about music. always works. if you play any instruments, tell her. ask her if she plays 'anything'.

haha sorry that was tempting.

yup that's it man.

nice one man. yea pick-up lines can work.

here's one: do you feel tired, cos, man you've been running in my mind all day!

if she gets it, she'll smile. most girls like jokers.

if she doesn't get it then, I KNOW she ain't the type for me! haha

Only point 4 seemed out of hand. Points 1-3 totally won't get him in jail and caned lah. Don't you think just striking up a conversation about musical instruments sounds very abrupt? It could be something else....always observe if there's any telltale sign on her that could indicate school, job, interests, etc? If she's blasting Megadeth really loudly then fine, go straight into the music.

hmm yea you're rite. was she wearing a school uniform or something?
if she is, then ask her which school she's from although it's very obvious.

doesnt always have to be music. i personally feel that music works for me. you can try but do follow other people's opinions as well.

Pick up lines will only work if he's creative. All the same old 'Is your dad a thief cos he must have stolen you from the heavens...' blah blah are way over-used. Creativity never fails to make an impression. It could be cheesy but an impression is better than your forgettable shoulder...of course the part where I said squeeze her butt will make an impression on your butt too when you get caned

haha yea it'll work if he's creative.

seriously. theres no RULE in Romance. do anything you like. if she doen't take notice, then either try again if you really want her or give up if you know that she aint your type.

yes creativity never fails to make an impression.
nice one man. yea pick-up lines can work.

here's one: do you feel tired, cos, man you've been running in my mind all day!

if she gets it, she'll smile. most girls like jokers.

if she doesn't get it then, I KNOW she ain't the type for me! haha

Pick up lines will only work if he's creative. All the same old 'Is your dad a thief cos he must have stolen you from the heavens...' blah blah are way over-used. Creativity never fails to make an impression. It could be cheesy but an impression is better than your forgettable shoulder...of course the part where I said squeeze her butt will make an impression on your butt too when you get caned
sorry guys...i seem to be having this problem with posting...a couple of times, the posts appeared multiple times. not an egomaniac so don't mean to make you read my shit again and again