i got literally friggin' ROBBED ! :(

but for your case, it's better for you to report everything you've seen about/on those gangsters to the SPF. Singapore's Police Force is quite efficent... yes, some more you have a clue of what they look like, what they wear etc etc. best if you report this to SPF and hope these gangster get nabbed ASAP before others become their victim..
Slightly off track...I too got robbed when I was a student 2 years back in east coast.

We (me and my gf) removed our clothes, cell phones wallet etc in the bag and kept it on the beach. Happily swam for a while and came out only to see all our clothes etc gone!!! Imagine, having to go home in undies type of swimming pants! And ofcourse my gf even worse in bikini!!! Luckily not much of stuff in my wallet and my phone too was a really antique piece.. All in all I guess around $300 per person of loss...:(

We called the police, made a police complaint and all. Atleast the police were extremely helpful and dropped us all the way to our home. Stupid buggers who stole our stuff should have atleast left our clothes to wear!!! Heartless B*stards!!

After that, NO SWIMMING AT ALL...hehe..
hmmm. pretty intense. if i were in your place, i would have either.

1) SPRINTED AWAY. but your friend. froze. understandable.


2) give them whatever they want and then report. unless the shock factor kicks in.

Now im worried about girls going back and forth there. =\ kinda unsafe. Somemore my ex living around there! AAAAAAAAH!
I get what you mean man.. I have a phobia of shit happening to girls..
Since most of my close frens are girls.. And also my gf..
Shit almost happened to her once.. :(
haha. i was able to run and catch . but then i noticed my laptop was there. so by the time i plug out my laptop and chase em , it'll be too late. so i tried grabbing one of em where the other helped him break free by givin me a blow and i jus treated them like dogs and kinda 'shoo' em off by chasing for a few secs. haha. then came back and called the police. but this is the worst experience ive ever been through. my first though . it was just not my time. and yeahh , i've gotta hit the gym soon . wow , didnt know there were so many cases of robbery happening to teenagers. i wonder where the world's goin .
i know alot of ppl here got faith in the SPF but personally i dont hahaha. hope u r ok jarvis bro just that don have too high hopes of getting your stuff back or anyone getting caught cos its quite hard too to actualli catch them unless they screw up doing the same thing again.

hope ya ok
yeah. like what it says. i just wanna share my nightmare with you guys and hopefully you guys would learn from it. yeahh.

me and 4 other friends were studying at Bukit Merah MacDonalds where then we decided to use our laptop . me and one of my friends got outside of mac and plugged in our charger and were using it. its not far from the restaurant neither is it near. and around half an hour later , we suddenly saw 6 teenagers heading towards us and doing their what i call " Gangster Cat Walk " . and they started distracting me by threatening me as to why i stared at his brothers. And i knew there was somethin wrong as i never see em there. and yeah , one of em took my handphone and ran. then i got a tight blow on my head. of course i retaliated. and tried chasing after the guy with my phone. but i turned around to see 2 of em plugging out my laptop. knowing there's no hope to get back my phhone ,i thought i should at least save my laptop. and yeah , i managed to push em away . okay , this is gonna sound ridiculous but yes , my friend was in a totally shocked mood and he just didnt do anything. everything happened too fast and chaotic. and he was just staring at his Acer Laptop being taken away. it just happened too fast. i feel sorry for him . we gave chase for awhile and lost em as they went in different directions. then i asked my friend to dial 999 and the police acted real fast. i got into the cops' car and went around lookin' for em but to no avail. the other 3 of my friends in mac helped me run around too. couldnt get em. and then i had to go give statement and all that at Henderson Police Post. i couldnt remember the guy's face as well . it was too dark. i regretted alot of shits there. but my case is not as bad as my friend's one. i lost a SE K800i with my Singapore Polytechnic EZ-Link card. whereas he lost his Acer Laptop worth 1.7k .
all 6 of em were Malays.

so please , do not , i repeat , do not sit by yourselves in open space with valuables. and if u see some ppl keep looking at u and looking at what ur doing, get back to where they are alot of ppl. i learnt from my mistakes.
thats all. adios.

Sorry to hear that,Those "Paikia" are like that always accuse of people staring at them to stir up some problem, i have also been into this type of suitation before but luckly i got my friends to help me... Next time try not be bring so much valuables stuff out there haha u might never know...
jaarvis. remember to call me when you've got one of them detained. my cam is always ready.

besides there's a demand for "Buff" guys appearing on ads TV nowadays.. could be good money.
stuff like this happens.

i just got whacked as i was accompanying my friend while he was havign late dinner around 2-3am at admiralty's macdonald. i was playing my psp, then i saw 2 guys walking, i thought they were my friends since 2 of my friends were indeed coming over to join us. instead it was some mats. yeah the usual thing happened.

mat: "oi what stare stare?"
me: "uh?"
mat: " why you look at me? you got problem ah?"
me: "financial diffulcuties, and i thought you my friend"
(dumb bloke didnt get the first part of my reply)
mat: "i not your friend what? so now what problem?"
me: "yeah i noticed then what is it that you want me to do?"
mat: "eh you got problem is it?!"
me: "hur hur, are you okay? you seem disturbed."

(mat came over, his friend distracted me while he took a cheapshot with his umbrella to the back of my head with the handle end. the freakin handle broke into 2, so imagined how hard the impact was. much to his dissapointment, i was still standing and smirked at him, my friend was still enjoying his meal, ignoring them. they just stood there dumbfounded and then ran off.)

the sad part was, there were some other guys (some quite buff) having their late night dinner too. they didnt even help. all they did was took some distance away from us, not wanting to get involve. typical singaporeans.

police came, took a report, macdonald staffs assisted in the report.
policeman called me crazy after the macdonald stuff told him what happened.
i didnt pursue the matter.

im still looking for the two guys.
(yeah i know my story seems to make me look good, but thats what happened. you can come down to admiralty Macdonalds and ask the staff there, the manager saw everything)
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what the hell, I woulda just smacked the guy in his face, I think I'm more than capable of dislocating someone's jaw, and claim self defence in court and sue him for assault.
I dont know, its just that i figured violence never solved anything.
i believe in karma, who knows if a car ran him over as he was running away crossing the road.

plus if i were to hit him back, how different am i to him?
no offence intended
Technically you aren't hitting him back, in a situation like this, I would feel threatened as he might hit me again, by incapacitating him, I am preventing further damage to myself and other people this maniac might try to hurt, and that is real charity, social charity.
Aki S. Ian : HAHA that malay fella who hit you with the umbrella watched too much Huang Fei Hung and Fang Shi Yu movies. you never ask him where's his 13th auntie? haahaha...
true true.. but too hell with those people at macdonalds. they werent even helping me. haha.

Blueprint studios:
hmm, whats Huang Fei Hung and Fang Shi Yu movies?
clueless here. i dont watch movies much
Those are old fav chinese kung-fu movies!
