How to record bass along with video


New member
Hey all, so I gotta send in a video of me playing bass for some course audition along with a backing band (drums guit vox). Was wondering how I should go about doing it? Would there be a way for me to turn up the bass sound to make it more obvious from just the video recording? Or should I record both the bass and the full band at the same time then overlay the sounds?
You can consider recording at the Esplanade Library’s Silent Studio. A fellow user just posted an update in the forum that they have upgraded the multi track recorder there.

Basically, your band will play live and everything will be recorded into individual tracks onto your computer’s DAW. At the same time, use your mobile phone(s) to capture the video.

Do a few takes.

Bring home and mix the audio + video.

In order to sync the audio+video easier, once you start recording, have the singer say “Take One/Two/Three...” and clap a few times near the microphone. Make sure the camera can see the hand/claps and not block by the mic. During editing, you can match the audio+video using this claps.

This is the recorder ->

Read up the manual before going down.
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