How to practise?

hi lavender,do you have any musical experience before this? played classical piano previously? or are you just starting from scratch, and headed straight for pop piano?

I am "starting from scratch, and headed straight for pop piano" :)

I do have some musical experience, I learnt guitar (strum and sing) for a short while about 5 years ago. However, I could only strum the simple chords and sing along. Recently, I have been watching others playing the piano on youtube and somehow I wish to be like them one day! I know it takes YEARS to learn the piano but well, it is better late than never :p While I was learning guitar, I realised that I am quite bad at sight reading..Actually even now, I am (almost) playing the RH tune by ear. I don't know if this is good but I prefer this to reading slowly (I really read slower than a snail, no talent in this, I guess but still trying) My objective is not for exam; I just want to be able to play some songs I like ...or maybe play a Happy Birthday song for my friends/family on birthday occasions.

Hahaha.. I agree with you that listening is important So, I have been listening to the tune today and I have been watching others play on youtube too! Very motivating!

With or without a teacher, I think self-learning and practice is the key. I agree very much with pf, learning how to learn is of paramount importance. In fact, my teacher just handed me the fakesheet and demonstrated one bar. He told me how to apply the chords, how to count for that one bar and told me that it is the same technique thru out the song. So, I came home and did my homework. Thanks to all the nice people on SOFT, I made it thru my first week. I was very stressed at first.

I am looking forward to my second lesson now...My teacher seems to be obsessed with the tempo and counting 1x2x3x4x...I hope he won't frown when he hears me play ....with a crappy tempo. Hmmm, you've a good point, "the song acted like a metronome" ..Maybe I should play the song on my mp3 player and play along with it. :p

Thanks for sharing! Really appreciate it!!!!:)
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(my first song was 'let it be' by the beatles...easiest IMO,coz it was in the C key).

Hahaa, "Let it be" was one of my first guitar songs (one of the very few songs I could strum) as well. Forgotten how to play it but I remembered that the chords were fairly simple. Where can I find the sheet for Let it be..for pop piano? Do you have it? :)

Let it be, Let it beee....Let it be, let it be, whisper words of wisdom, let it be..
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Oh, I really didn't know about finger injury. Sounds like sports injury. Will my fingers slim down with more piano playing? Hahaha. :-D:-D

My practices are really fulfilling.:) I can play most of the notes (left and right) together slowly right now (for all 17 bars) but still having problems counting the beats. I have been practising with my focus on getting the notes right, now they sound right but I simply cannot count and play at the same time!!!! 1x2x3x4x..:(

Don't count. Always feel the rhythm. You need to count when you are totally clueless about like dotted,syncopation...etc. The style on your PSR is great help. But do not always stick to that. Off it when you too out of the beat.
haha....i thought i had it,either i deleted it or i misplaced it somewhere.anyway,you can search for it online by the keywords "let it be beatles tab OR chord"..

hey lavender...glad to see someone with so much interest in learning...just wanna let you know that whatever happens, don't give up..coz i almost did..a few times..i was so frustrated that i thought to myself that maybe i wasn't built for playing the piano..haha..that practically slowed me down for a few months,and luckily i had a few pianist friends and some SOFT thread discussions to get me hypermotivated to start practicing again.whatever it is,don't give up k?

with that much enthusiasm in you..i believe you'll be great pretty soon.happy practicing!
i was so frustrated that i thought to myself that maybe i wasn't built for playing the piano..haha..that practically slowed me down for a few months,and luckily i had a few pianist friends and some SOFT thread discussions to get me hypermotivated to start practicing again.whatever it is,don't give up k?

You think you "wasn't built for playing the piano" when you've grade 8?:eek:
How can that be?

Good that you found motivation :)
You are motivating me as well!
This thread is great ;)
lavender - you're a gem :) This is what playing an instrument is all about!

Do you have a list of the artists you particularly like? Just curious about what you would like to achieve on piano.
Do you have a list of the artists you particularly like? Just curious about what you would like to achieve on piano.

Thanks, kris :) *grinning* :-D
I do have a list of songs I want to learn..I am not sure if you know or are familiar with these people/songs. I like a lot of songs, the following are just some examples~

Elvis Presley
Celine Dion
Whitney Houston
The Bangles - Eternal Flame

etc etc

Joe Hisaishi, he wrote all the Hayao Miyazaki Anime songs ~ (My idol~!!!)

Kiroro (I love them~!!!!)

and many other Japanese songs :)

Guang Liang

梁靜茹 Fish Leong


etc etc etc....

鄭伊健, 劉德華, 張學友,林憶蓮,張國榮, 梁詠琪 ,Twins, 鄭秀文, 古巨基 ~~~~

Others Instrumental, etc
Kenny G
Richard Clayderman

Marche Nuptiale, Ballade Pour Adeline, Für Elise, Pachelbel's Canon In D, etc etc etc etc ...........

Slow and romantic~~~:cool:
hi pf,been reading your posts for quite a while now...thx for all the valuable info you've provided! i forgot which threads gave me motivation (there were too many to list haha),but it was something about the role of keyboardists in a band, experiences of keyboardists, techniques in improvisation etc..yup too many to list.

haha i was one of the usual mass of 8th-graders who studied music under pressure from parents, and just practiced for the sake of passing the exams...(you know how some parents just force piano lessons to their children in hopes that one day they'll develop the interest themselves).so,'when there's no will,there's no way' XD

Oh,elvis presley? nice..have you checked out a pianist named Matthew Lee? he's an Italian rock-n-roller influenced by elvis presley (based on his biography).real fun to watch him play..though not really slow and sentimental.haha.

I like your list of songs..reminds me of my high school days :)
ianboy, its great that you find motivation in the threads of SOFT and great to know that the threads are useful.
yo lavender, i also learning pop piano. But i don really know how to play from fake sheet. i usually choose not so difficult chinese pop songs score and jus follow. Hmmm i nv practise my tempo. JUst play along in tune with my feeling.

nice to meet ppl like u
OHHH Glad to know you too!!! Chinese PoP scores? Do you buy them? What songs for example? Mind to share?
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Have you listened to:

Angela Aki

Yann Tiersen

Ludovico Einaudi


The stuff you listen to is all very similar (musically and technically), and if you are taught properly, shouldn't take too long for you to to reach a similar level ;)

Can you manage an octave (e.g. C - C ) in the LH? What about an octave with a 5th in the middle (5 notes up) e.g. C - G - C (fingered 5 - 2 - 1) ?

This shape is very common in the music you listen to. You should get used to it and practise (as fingering) 5 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 . This is super common in most of the stuff you like.

PS this may be a bit advanced considering. Have a look back at this in a few months or so and it should make more sense ;)

Do you like Joni Mitchell? Have a listen to the song 'river', amongst others. You may like her style of piano playing :)

Can you manage an octave (e.g. C - C ) in the LH? What about an octave with a 5th in the middle (5 notes up) e.g. C - G - C (fingered 5 - 2 - 1) ?

I think this is what I've be practising for the whole week.

My teacher taught me C-G-C in class. I have been doing the following chords for my practices.

1x2x3x4x (4 beats), the last note = 3x4x
C: C-G-C
Dm: D-A-D
Em: E-B-E
F: F-C-F
G: G-D-G

(I am playing the above with a simple tune, a Chinese oldies )

However, I don't use the 5-2-1 fingering. I cheat :p I use 5-1, and move a finger to find the last note (my mind says it is the same as the first note, but it is an octave up) Using this method, I can find the notes very quickly, but if I use 5-2-1, I cannot find the middle note! :-D
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I think this is what I've be practising for the whole week.

My teacher taught me C-G-C in class. I have been doing the following chords for my practices.

1x2x3x4x (4 beats), the last note = 3x4x
C: C-G-C
Dm: D-A-D
Em: E-B-E
F: F-C-F
G: G-D-G

However, I don't use the 5-2-1 fingering. I cheat :p I use 5-1, and move a finger to find the last note (my mind says it is the same as the first note, but it is an octave up) Using this method, I can find the notes very quickly, but if I use 5-2-1, I cannot find the middle note! :-D

If your should use 5-2-1 if do not strain your finger. 5-1 will be useful in future to jump more complex style. It is important to develop good habit.
lavender, you might wanna unlearn what you are doing now and re-learn doing the 5-2-1 fingering soon if you want to progress to more interesting LH patterns.

The distance between your 5 and 2 should be about the same as C and G.

Besides, if you can do 5-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 as pianomankris suggested, its like counting 1&2&3&4&...which makes it easier to learn your counting and breaking up the beats to practice your coordination.

Old habits will die hard. Suggest to get to it soon. ;)
Sure, will unlearn right away. The habit is not really so "old", only a week!

Oh dear, I realised it is quite OLD indeed.....I cannot p[ay it at all now..with 5-2-1. I have been practising countless times with my "invented" fingering!!
COUNTLESS times in the wee hours of the night hahaha..

Re-start, re-start, re-start!!

That's what I always tell my students, they should always check their understanding every now and then, they are always "practising" the wrong concepts/answers, that's why they always make the same mistakes! Now I am seeing this in myself!

I will rectify this asap..Thanks for telling me, kong wee and pf :)
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