how to on distortion


New member
Hi again , how to on the distortion with a SX amp of 10 watts. There is a drive button and High , Med , Low knobs . How to on the distortion though
there should be drive and master(or volume), right? if theres not button, up the drive, down the master.
i got that amp as part of a package for my first ever bass, which i bought on impulse. and its still in its box cos i already got 2 and dun need this. being typical me, i feel sayang to let it go... hahha
hahahahahaha. damn. i was going thru the same thing man.
dun blame me man. SX one damn small the button.

but guy. ya. press the button. :)
i am saving money to buy marshall

guy i dun think you should get marshall. i think marshall now is not that POWER oready as compared back then.

probably because they shift their manufacturing to korea.
correct me if i am wrong that is. but i heard many badge of marshall amp has a buzzing sound. thats scary.

and they dun produce a reasonable tone for the low-end one.
go for orange laney or smth. haha.
^ you say that all the time. do you even know how much a rectifier costs?

also, TS, if you're looking for a new amp, you should try out a decent modelling amp like a roland cube or line 6 spider or the new peavey vypyrs. they have a library of different sounds built into them and should be able to get you the distortion sound you're looking for, along with the convenience of several in-built effects and probably a tuner.
^ you say that all the time. do you even know how much a rectifier costs?

also, TS, if you're looking for a new amp, you should try out a decent modelling amp like a roland cube or line 6 spider or the new peavey vypyrs. they have a library of different sounds built into them and should be able to get you the distortion sound you're looking for, along with the convenience of several in-built effects and probably a tuner.

err I didn't say that all the time I just said it twice and I think it cost less than a bomb just a few thousands I'm sure those bombs like MK20 are much more ex
hehe yeah, why marshall?

on a side note, marshall is like the first brand(and only?) brand non guitarers(ok maybe non musicians) think of when we ask about guitar amps.
on a side note, marshall is like the first brand(and only?) brand non guitarers(ok maybe non musicians) think of when we ask about guitar amps.

exactly. same goes for effects. the first brand name that comes to mind is boss. be more open. there are many many other brands that are equally good or better. dont let the name fool you.
i highly doubt that he has the cash to upgrade from an SX to a mesa. also JUST a few thousands IS a bomb. and mk20 is a roland keyboard module. :S