How to dampen sound if u live in a HDB flat?

hehe..but understandable..they've got babies sleeping i tat they've grown up..10 yrs ago more complaints..even when i blast music loud =>
i stayed west while in uni days..hehe..nobody sleeps at night..haha
I used Sabian Quiet Tone..
Purchased the Master PAck at $80 at Swee Lee...

Its really great. The feeling is natural but no noise produced whnever U hit the drums..
trap the sounds


it's true you cannot totally cut off all sound with regards to HDBs, but dampening - possible.

basically all you need is to have a bass trap and something else to muffle the highs. acoustic foams serve pretty decently but they're not exactly affordable. carpets or course aid a little.

personally, i have a custom made sliding cupboard that i open up whenever i prac or teach, with my kit right infront of it, thus the hollow opening of the cupboard becomes a natural basstrap. plus mine's a corner unit, corner room, 2nd highest level. complaints as of yet.
hi turbochicken, welcome to SOFT.

Do you have a pix of the setup? My imagination a bit :rolleyes:
guys...u might hate me for this..I live in a flat like most of u...and hehex..i've great neighbours.....No...i dun soundproof my rooms at walls are bare...and i play far...been 2 complaints at all...... hehez...received quite a few compliments even!!
Hehez...wanna buy my place?
All bull....Not a mattress propped on the wall...i juz play with ear plugs on to keep my hearing intact...
(P.S: My neighbours upstairs is the neighbourhood complain king...:D)

Hi Soft,

thanks for the welcome. :)

no need to try to imagine, just picture an orange manu katche hipgig with a builtin cupboard behind it. haha.

oh my kick is elevated so i guess that prevents inviting complaints.
I live in Jurong West Area and i've been playing my drumset for like 3 months already...i thought my neighbours would be annoyed, but when i asked some of them, they said 'not bad!' complaints received so far(except for my parents) but then i remember hearing someone else in my vicinity playing drums too...i wonder who..i just admire his cymbals...(i have a cymbal that sounds like a gong -_-)
Excuse my thread necromancy. :oops:

Would stuffing clothes into the drums help to reduce the volume of the kit? I'm a bit desperate for a solution to reduce the volume of my kit. :?
no it wouldn do very much. u could test it out though.

oh yes if you want i have 3 huge pieces of synthetic wool that i used to stuff my drums with. can give away free as long as you're willing to come pick it up.