hey i need advice on heavy rock


New member
i am a new bassist. my band is playing heavy rock at the moment. can anybody give me advice on what bass should i buy for this genre? is thunderbird suitable? please give me some advice. thanks you
go try out any bass within your budget and see if you like the sound and if you feel comfortable playing with it.

don't limit yourself by being too brand conscious; you might find something that you unexpectedly like :)
if you think you are going to employ some overdrive in the mix to suit the genre you are playing, do consider a humbucking unit, some examples:



It's not just the bass you should be looking at. You will need to consider effects too, such as overdrive or fuzz, to complement the genre.

Also, I think using a pick or plucking closer to the bridge will be "rockier" due to the more agressive tone and sharper attack these techniques afford.

It will help if you give us a budget estimate.
Ibanez SRX series. I'm biase haha, cos i own one.

Heavy, growly tone. Plus a surprisingly decent slap tone.
Ibanez SRX series. I'm biase haha, cos i own one.

Heavy, growly tone. Plus a surprisingly decent slap tone.
i second this

i dont own one but i used to

it's so 'heavy' that i had problems finding a nice mellow tone for ballads!
There really isn't a need to get a bass specifically for a genre, because it's up to personal preference.

I use my Jazz bass for anything from ballads to metal.

It's more about the tonewoods, pickups, the way you EQ your sound and your own fingertone.
Test as many basses as possible that are around your budget. P/J/MM... It's all a matter of preference. It's like kopi, teh, or chicken essence. Whatever makes you smile is most important.
Bro, good advice from the other bassists here. You got to find your own definition of heavy and don't let yourself be boxed in by what brand to play (I play a Gibson Thunderbird by the way, but you should try as many as you like or can before making up your mind on a bass). Think of your technique, amp work, and above all listen for what you like and don't be afraid to experiment. Fieldy from Korn good example - glassy, slap sound, he dumps the mids... his "heavy" is different from a Rage Against the Machine bass sound, which in turn is different from John Entwhistle from The Who.
personally i would go for an ibanez srx for heavy stuff. well technically i have already gone for it in the past :)

oh yah and please, don't get a hofner for heavy stuff

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