help with guitar?


New member
yeah well. the amp makes this sound. like erm buzzing. when its plugged into the guitar. strummed but nothing came out of it. only the same buzzing. i had to turn the cable in the guitar output to finally get a sound. i checked to see if the input needed soldering but it doesnt.

anyone help me with this?
looks like your guitar ground has lifted from the output jack or the volume knob .....take a peek :wink:
if it was rewired receently, check to see if some genius repair dude had wired the hot to groud and vice versa on your ouput jack
ah okay. thanks dudes.

eh but like sometimes okay and sometimes its not. =\

after some long turning of the cable in the output jack. it comes to life. and then dies again.
Sounds like a short circuit somewhere. It won't be an on and off problem if the electronics are wired wrongly. Since the buzzing sound only occurs for that particular guitar then the fault should lie with the guitar. Bring it to Beez at guitar77 he excels at the electronics.
aww damn. looks like my $$ fly again. i was just saving up to get a new one.

haha. well then thanks guys.
just to add on,
i had the same problem as you. i initially thought the patch cables were at fault. so i bought i new set. then still got the 'on and off' problem you described. then i thought the guitar cables were faulty. so yes, i bought two new ones. but still have that problem! and then i thought the output jack of my ds-2 was faulty as i individually tested my pedals (after realising that the cables and patches were not at fault). was thinking of sending it for repair soon.
but then i encoutered this thread... 8O
looks like im not alone. haha.

hmmm. gas. doest matter. if you're a starter or an expert. gas will still be there to haunt you.

as for this problem. sigh. what to do.
i need to ask something. i think my output jack is the problem. can i like get a new one?

is there anywhere that sells grx70 output jack?

try any guitar shop !!