

New member
i have pretty much zero experience with fuzz pedals, but i've found that i really like how it sounds. so im currently looking out for a fuzz, but there are so so many different models and i was wondering if you guys could help out in picking out models i should avoid and models that i should try out. that would be great and would help me a lot. i really like the silversun pickups fuzz tone as well as the fuzz on the Beatles' revolution 1, but not limited to those, i think i would like to try out more whacked fuzzes as well
Welcome to the world of Texture. :D

A good fuzz is all about texture... not about dynamics or cleaning up or some other stuff you'd associate with a good overdrive though those are nice additions to have.

Head over to TGP to check out the many great discussions on fuzzes.
Shred, somehow I knew you'd reply to this... hahahahaha...

I for one still have no clue how to use a fuzz though...
with fuzz....you may need damage control !!

TGP = The Groupie Paradise ... don't go there unless you are one!
Hee hee hee...

TGP is a place where there are discussions on fuzz though... but you NEED to sieve out the good stuff. Many people there have the $ and are not afraid to spend it. SOmetimes, it does come off as... indulgent.
hmmm.... A good classic fuzz circuit for me is also all about cleaning up.
I've not heard about your references... so can't comment much.

My favourite fuzz is that OPAMP based DOD Classic Fuzz... earbleed fuzz. I rikes but it doesn't really do all the classic sounds.
hmmm.... A good classic fuzz circuit for me is also all about cleaning up.

You're right actually - for the classic fuzz circuits, more specifically, a fuzz face (A muff is also classic fuzz, so is a jordan bosstone and a few other obscure ones)... but its so specific, I didn't thought to put it in... "texture" is what i thought = essential for every fuzz?

But I'm not tried every fuzz.

OP-AMP fuzz? Demeter Fuzzulator?
you wouldn't wanna try every fuzz! hahaha...

yeah I mean the fuzzface and specifically the fuzzface as it is as classic as it gets.

texture is definitely the right word!
Well, the bad and good thing about fuzz is that they are VERY responsive to the amps used; sounds like shit on one, and like heaven on another..

I'm a fuzz lover, and what I've had in my line-up in the past few years were:
Jimi Hendrix Systems Classic Fuzz (my main drive, loves to be boosted)
T-Rex Mudhoney (very versatile, sold it off cause it sounds crappy at the studio)
Proco Deucetone RAT (versatile, always delivers, not so amp reliant)
Electro-harmonix Metal Muff w/ Top Boost (technically it is a fuzz)
Lovepedal 200lbs of Tone (like an expensive JH fuzz, so I didn't need it)

I can tell you that all these react differently to different amps!
I can't recommend you what fuzz to use, you gotta try them yourself.. That's where you'd form your own opinions!
I can say that I don't like the Demeter Fuzzulator although it is versatile, and a sweet plus VERY quiet fuzz, the Deviever TBD to be truly disastrous (frankly I tried 2 pieces that sound drastically different!), or the Zvex Fuzz Factory to be too weak sounding IMO.. Some people swear by these pedals, but what's important is that you decide whether you'd want to or not..
Maybe can try Monsterpiece dis is da clip for a Fuzz Face (Jimi Hendrix) clone ane later an MK II (Jimmy Paige)

Check out Tonefacter.com Spam Thread there is 1 for sale,there is also Durham Sex Drive if ur willing to spend ur $$.

Boths sounds damn nice to me

Locally I recommend Goose's Fuzz
Or see if Davis got stock for a Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz


Also visit here for a gd read abt Fuzz and such http://www.gilmourish.com/?p=215
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heh, devi ever truely beautiful disaster really not a good fuzz for first timer.. it will really turn them off fuzz for a long time
How about: Difference between Russian and American muffs.
Real tempted to get a Russian one, no idea why.
Maybe cause I'm a fan of Mother Russia. I read somewhere Gilmour, used the Russian one, not the American one.
Or maybe the word " Sustainer " makes it awesome-er.