firewire to usb


New member
i'm pretty interested in the presonus fireproject or whatever firestudio. but my laptop has no firewire interface. only has usb ports and PCMCIA. they say that presonus uses firewire because its fast, then does using presonus by PCMCIA's firewire, lags the sound? or even affects any other thing? USB2.0 is much faster than firewire! but y presonus dun wan to come out with USB2.0 one? haaiii..
Firewire is faster than USB2. Don't get tricked by the numbers of the throughput. Even though USB2 us 480Mbit/s and firewire is 400Mbit/s, USB2 uses a "master-slave" architecture (PC handles all functions and data flow) while firewire uses peer-to-peer architecture (the peripherals are actually intelligent and can negotiate conflicts to determine which device can best control data transfer). So in real-life, firewire will be faster than USB2.

There are some benchmarks that showed PCMCIA firewire actually faster than the built-in firewire. I'm not sure if this goes across all PCMCIA firewire interfaces. The only I read is the firewire800 from LaCie.
yeah u are right! firewire indeed is faster than USB2.0.. wa..lucky u tell me.if not i go paiseh myself.. so now the thing is about the PCMCIA unit.. faster data transfer means more $$.. guess i'll have to read up more about PCMCIA before buying.. guess the $20 kind i cannot buy..
umm..what do u mean by configuration?u mean specs?
i'm using acer core2dual 1.6GHz, 1Gb ram, windows xp, 120GB HHD. anything else?
but does PCMCIA affect anything? cuz i dun have firewire on my laptop. so i have to buy that PCMCIA.. how to get a high end PCMCIA? as in what specs tells the different?
guess the $20 kind i cannot buy..

Definitely cannot. The whole purpose of firewire is fast transfer rate. So better make sure you are getting the transfer rate you want.

However, back one step. What are you going to record? How many simultaneous tracks and at what bit rate? If you are not going to record too many tracks, then a USB version may do. Which also means you don't have to worry about getting a PCMCIA/firewire converter. Save money.
i plan to record the whole band, 2-3 guitars...vocals..electric drums...bass... just using the presonus firepod. but presonus is working on firewire.. which my laptop doesn't have. the only way i thought of is getting PCMCIA unit loh..
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>umm..i think its better if i just asked u directly this way..cuz i think people are finding me irritating. u should still remember me from the presonus thread.

haha did anyone mention you were irritating? actually seriously it's better to post onto the threads so ppl can have a good read really. but thats fine if you PM.

>a direct guitar has a "level" called the line level, which is -10db. in order to go into the presonus that are without the mic/instrument preamps, i need to step it up to 4db, is that right?

to be honest here I have no idea, I only know somehow guitar/bass are "unbalanced" , and a D.I box makes it a "balanced signal" (clean). as long as the recording input doesn't "clip" or overload it should be fine really. in fact a DI box isn't really necessary , the difference is really very little unless you're damn particular about quality.

guitar > line in > firepod
guitar > line out D.I box > XLR line in > firepod

if you have the chance go ahead and compare, there is a difference but it's not like really huge or at least it's not audible when you start mixing with the drums/bass/vocals. but it's definitely clearer.

>then recently i just went to find out about another brand.. the M-Audio 1814, which cost $995..$250 more than fire studio project leh.. the person at sinemex told me that all 8 inputs can take in direct guitars,i was pretty sure that wasn't possible. so now i wanna ask is do i tell whether the input can take in direct guitar or must go through DI box?

you can't really tell unless it states on the manual. sounds like bullshit too though, I COULD tell you that you could plug 8 guitars into the firepod to record also. if 8 D.I boxes is really so important to you, go to , search Behringer DI800 . i bought that for like $200 I think. 8 DI box in a rack. for the budget conscious.

otherwise for my own rig/setup, I have a $300 radial DI box. so $200 behringer 8 di box vs 1 radial di box. end of the day it's more about purpose , if you're just doing home/bedroom level you really don't have to worry so much hehe.

oh god..u post it here..hahaha.. i changed my settings on PM already..think now its working..

ok..u are hitting on the spot..correct..i think the DI800 is the kinda thing i need..

but u did mention that i can plug 8 guitar straight into the presonus unit.. without any thing inbetween.cuz the resolution guy said i must get DI box or preamp if i wanna plug into the 3rd to 8th input.

cuz if presonus really can record all 8 guitars then i no need get DI box..

ok lah..thanks a lot..u answered most of my question already..thanks!
yeah, no matter what, you can just plug it in and record, it'll still be recorded, just a difference whether it's "unbalanced" or "balanced" signal. balanced signal is clearer and cleaner. it's not really a "MUST".

see la if it doesn't work (no reason why it shouldn't) ,then go for the DI boxes haha.