

New member

There are quite a number of shops that sell Fender basses now.

Recently went to ranking (bras basah) and tried the MIJ Marcus Miller Signature Bass.. Quite nice(not natural finish) and going for $1788. Think the MIA one is 2K++?

Also saw the Reggie Hamilton MIJ (PJ Pups) for ard 1.5K and Geddy Lee MIJ for 1.4K.

I think these are new stock. Interested can go take a look.

Think Davis also brought in some fender basses. MTD too.

oh i didn't know ranking has fenders. thanks for the info, ben!

anyway, was at davis yesterday, they had some nice MTD basses, as mentioned. :)
i must admit i am a sucker for looks. and the geddy pickguard looks disgusting. i also like girls with round bottoms. moral of the story: everything is subjective
you guys in spore are so lucky.. so many music shops.. so many brands... so cheap, comparatively la...
Think so far only Swee lee got the Stu Hamm Fender urge bass?

Victor Bailey's signature also quite cool looking.

Was told that G77 also sell Fender basses.. Pricing wise...