Featured Restoration - A Hole on TOP


New member

Who would bother to repair a guitar that looks like that?


It was a barter trade of repair charges for a bunch of premium woods and tools that helped seal the deal.

Read about it here: http://cadam7777777.blogspot.sg/2015/06/featured-restoration-hole-on-top.html
An interesting read. I would draw a parallel and liken this to the death of the guitar (if that's possible) from having a hole in the heart. You gave a new lease of life. And after the "surgery", the guitar didn't look like Frankenstein either. It's hard to believe that just by keeping the guitar in the case for an extended period can have such damaging consequences. Surely there must be other contributing factor(s). It would also be nice to have the owner's reaction when you returned the instrument.
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I would draw a parallel and liken this to the death of the guitar (if that's possible) from having a hole in the heart. You gave a new lease of life. And after the "surgery", the guitar didn't look like Frankenstein either. It's hard to believe that just by keeping the guitar in the case for an extended period can have such damaging consequences. Surely there must be other contributing factor(s). It would also be nice to have the owner's reaction when you returned the instrument.

Thanks for your analogy. Indeed the owner has collected the "resurrected" guitar. Suffice to say that he was delighted to hear it sings once more. His elation had rubbed onto me as well. It was good.