Factory String gauge of OLP MM-1 Floyd rose


New member
hi, can I ask if anyone here has bought a OLP MM-1 floyd rose b4?
I tried one recently and felt that the string is tough to bend. I wonder
if it's a gauge 10 or gauge 9. If it's gauge 10, I probably can change to a 9 to
release the tension a bit.

Couldn't find that on OLP website as well

Rock on,
Hmmm... whats the issue with changing string guage? :)

If you really have issues with getting the floyd back to perfect float, there's several How-Tos stickied in SOFT, to help you out.

If that still doesn't work, you can meet me, I can help you figure it out.
no not that. What I meant is I am not sure if the factory string is gauge 9 or 10. It looks like 9 though.

Coz if it's gauge 10, I can change it to 9 as I find the string tension quite high.
But if it's already 9, nothing much I can do about it.
Well, you'll never know till you try! ;)

Let us know of the outcome... then others will know what the standard guage of OLPs are. :p