Drop in replacement for original floyd rose bridge


New member
Hey guys. Need a little help here. My guitar's a fender floyd rose strat special that came with an original floyd rose bridge, and it being second hand, has rusted quite a bit. I have intentions of changing it, what are good replacements? Something that is more corrosion resistant is good. Also I need a very specific and rare part, a locking nut which is 1 5/8" and has a bullet nut relief. The previous owner swapped it out for some generic roller nut. I saw this roller nut selling at davis by the way, in one of their plastic containers. Probably going for cheap. It has no radius whatsoever, and I suspect that's causing my guitar to have slight fret buzz on the 3rd string. Also, if I want to build a new pickguard for my guitar, who do I look for? Also possibly help me do a refret and setup. I say build because I want to keep the current pickguard and whatever's on it so I can easilly swap it back to it's original condition. I'm keeping the floyd too.
think ur guitar needs a major revamp from one of the guys who do setup here.

only know if u want to make a custom pickguard u can go to Guitar Workshop, level 3 bras brasah. it's at a corner shop.
Ok, its an Original Floyd rose? I presume the trem posts are non-locking? As in the trem posts go into the guitar body?

You can throw in the following:

OFR (duh)
Gotoh Floyd (good fit)
Schaller Floyd (Smaller profile, might look funny)

I recommend you purchase the Gotoh from overseas (abt SGD220) and then, get someone to install the Gotoh locking trem posts.

As for the nut, its not rare. Just state in your order what locking nut size you need. Now, what is this bullet relief?
You see shredcow, the bullet relief is what makes it rare :D This locking nut has this arch under it to give room for truss rod adjustment, instead of being perfectly flat and blocking the adjustment hole. So far there's only 1 online shop that sells this and ships to singapore, and they are out of stock.

What are locking posts? I think the posts go into the body.
Ok... you know man, its not a big thing if you don't have this bullet relief. And besides... its strange that Fender doesn't stock it for their Floyd equipped guitars.

How often do you make truss rod adjustments? And on a Floyd equipped axe, all you need to do it take out the springs and the floyd will come loose. Then with all the strings lax, take out the nut and adjust. Bothersome but yeah, how often will you be adjusting your truss rod?!

The Trem posts are what the tremolo rests against. Its the 2 metal posts that you see on each side of the trem. The OFR ones are not locking; they go straight into the guitar body. This can cause problems because metal is harder than wood, and its esp the case for guitars with softer woods like basswood. After a few years, the posts can come loose and make an egg shaped hole in the guitar body.

Now, the locking posts are basically hollow metal studs that are inserted into the guitar body, all the way in, till its level with the body. THEN the trem posts are screwed into them. And there's an additional locking screw to lock the posts to the studs. So that way, its metal on metal, no damage to the wood. The Gotoh has those.
Hmm true to that.. Where can I find locking nuts? Not sure if the studs go directly into the wood or not I can't really see, but it isn't locking. I probably won't change the studs, I want to make the changes reversible. Besides, I will be blocking the bridge :D so i just want something that doesn't rust. Where can I get this Gotoh from?
The Locking nuts come with the Gotoh trem.

Your guitar has the OFR and if your axe is not from the 1980s, it don't have locking posts. You should install them. Its one of those, it can only do you a world of good, things. Really... you don't want a hole in your guitar after a couple of years right?

If you are blocking the bridge, why get a floyd? My goodness, this is wrong! Got a floyd, use it!

You can buy the gotoh from www.universaljems.com

The best and strongest coating is chrome coating. Nothing will happen to the metal till the coating gets scratched off.

And yes, please don't block the trem!!!!!!!!
I'm very comfortable with palm muting on a floyd that's why. :lol: Also, if the string breaks at the bridge I can reuse the string. Also, I can't change to anything else since my guitar already has a floyd, so yea. It's much easier to bend with it blocked! I can drop tunings anytime I want too.

My guitar does not have locking posts but it doesn't seem to be screwed into the wood directly, there seems to be something else in the wood and the post is screwed into that, but it isn't locking. At least I can freely adjust it..
You can palm mute on a floyd rose thats freely floating you know...

And if a string breaks at the bridge, all floyd allow a reuse of the string if its long enough...

Bending it fine without a block, only slightly more inconvienced when doing double stops, but you'll get used to it and you'll learn how to compensate..

Drop tunings? Ah.. ok, you win.. ppl never use floyds for drop tunings.

In any case, its really up to you... my point is that its half a good waste of the Original Floyd Rose system if you are having it blocked. :)

If your posts are screwed into something else, then its prob locking. Get the smallest allen wrench you have and insert it into the trem post (there should be a hole). There should be another screw inside the trem post. When that is tightened, you'll notice a marked improvement in sustain and stability, since the posts are locked. Just rem to unlock when adjusting the trem posts, or you will break that little locking screw.
What I meant shredcow was that I rather palm mute on a floyd than on a vintage trem, and would like to reuse the string, but I don't want the floating trem capabilities. I know all floyds can do it not only blocked ones. Doh. -.-"

I tried sticking stuff into the hole but nothing happens
Gosh I want a Tremol-No! It's just what I needed! 8O Too bad it isn't in production yet... :(

Oh yea what are double stops by the way? I did a search and it came out to be power chords... I don't have any problems with playing power chords on a floyd leh.
Double stops are when you play 2 notes at onces. Esp when you bend 1 note on a string and at the same time, hit another string... so 2 notes at once... a Floating Bridge will not stay in tune when you do double stops.

I find there's always tradeoffs and faults with the Tremol-No and Tremsetter systems.

For the Tremol-No, your trem MUST be at a perfect float at all times, so that when you activate the tremol-no, it will not affect your tuning. Otherwise, you can imagine, playing then you switch on the tremol-no, only to find out that your tuning is all messed up.

For the tremsetter, your double stops will be more in tune... break a string and you are still relatively in tune. But the trem will be so stiff!

I am totally against blocking your tremolo... as you can tell. ;) Its either free floating or fixed bridge for me...

I think you should just fill up the trem cavitity and install a fixed bridge.
Or get another guitar. Haha.. The tremol-no has the deep c that I'm interested in, which only allows dives. This way there will be no problems with the string breaking.

And about bending and playing another note on another string, yea I had a problem with it before but not after I blocked it :D
under the hypnotism of ShredCow, i swear never to block my floyd rose!!!

haha kidding. i like my tremolo bridges. :D

Just don't ever break a string. 8)

I need to buy the floyd rose Graphtech saddles. :twisted:
The time taken to tune a floyd is just pure agony la... Some more my guitar didn't come with locking nuts... And then when I palm mute I tend to rub against the fine tuners. I screw them all the way down for mine and it's perfect, really. :D Block your floyds! If Satriani does it, you can too! :wink: Sounds like yan can cook sia.
Tuning a floyd is agony? Check out my post over that Guitar-How To on restringing a floyd. It takes me abt 20 minutes to totally restring my floyd and retune to perfect float.

Hmmmm... i find the fine tuners much more accurate tuning devices than normal tuners... but well, if it works for you.

And Satch blocks his floyds? :roll: You talking abt the discontinued JS2000 model with FX Edge bridge it is?
Ya la he had history of blocking. Haha.. I didn't mean that he blocks all his bridges.. (I seem to be easilly misunderstood all the time) I meant tuning as in day to day tuning, fine adjustments. Took me a bloody long time compared to a fixed bridge. Besides, I don't dive, and I prefer doing vibrato with my fingers, so yeah. It's my 1st electric, I made a mistake to get one with a floyd in the 1st place, so I'm trying to make the best out of it, get what I mean.. Paul Gilbert is another fella that blocked his floyd, he just uses a fixed bridge now.. Again, not saying that because they do it that's why I do it, but that I think it's perfectly fine to do it.. Less I get misunderstood again :?