Driving License


New member
Hi people, anybody taking their driver's license be it bike or car, please share your experiences here. I just took my Class 3 TP today, and i failed. Im very unhappy as i got 38 demerit points. Yes 38. Apparently the tester said i was driving too slow and all. Overall, im not happy with my test at all, i was expecting to pass though. Now i have to wait till febuary for my retest. Which is a long time. Please share your experiences and maybe give some tips and advise for our fellow softies, including myself.
i'd like to know too, cos i have a problem with speeding up too often lol
damn those racing games.. too much influence already

relax rx7, you'll pass one day :/ don't be discouraged lah
are you taking auto or manual? i'm assuming you're taking car cos going slow on a bike doesn't quite make sense :p
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he said he's taking class 3, so he's taking car, shud be manual la..

i'm taking bike license, but i just can't find the time to cheong all prac.. so i'm waiting for my hols..
Ya im taking manual, and i was NOT slow at all. Normal speed limits are 50km/h, i was at 40km/h on straight roads with good traffic condition. But i have no idea why that bastard minus so many points for moving off slow, driving slowly. Total 8 points from that.
Its normal to fail during the 1st TP, i did. Just do ur best, some tester like that one, they will try to find any reason to fail you. I passed the second time round, got a good tester. Hehehe.

I also failed my 1st Class 2b TP, now waiting for money to fall from heaven so that i can take one more time. Haiz..
well i didnt get my class 3 frm sch. i got it frm army . but its normal for ppl to drive slow during tp test... worried.. just like me when i got my class 4 :D took the test twice even thou i have 1 year of driving experience from workplace. and the pathetic thing is, they use the same lorry they use at the school!! and of course i dont drive slow during work only tp time. its human and its natural. so if u fail wat u do? u curse them frm behind.. coz after u pass u'll be cursing alot of ppl by the back like parking pontianaks, tp and careless drivers etc2... thats what their job made them. afterall, its human.. hahaha. just drive with confidence, but dont over confident.
Actually going 40 on a 50kmph road constitutes road hogging to some extent... what I did was to go between 45-50. 40 on a 50kmph road is fine if traffic is heavy or there're a lot of vehicles, but if its light traffic the examiner can penalize you. It's the way it is.. they're extremely strict during test, so every little mistake counts against you.

Well what I suggest is to pick a good time slot. Since you said you'll be taking your re-test in Feb, try to schedule it before Chinese New Year. Most of my friends (who end up driving like crap if I may add) passed their TPs on the first attempt, and all of them took it before CNY. So... I think you should see the trend eh. Another thing is to book a slot where the roads are relatively clear, and if possible (and if you're taking at BBDC), steer clear from school dismissal timings. It's extremely annoying to have kids dash across the zebra crossings out of no where.. really makes you more nervous than you already are!

Be sure to wayang, or exaggerate your motions especially when you're checking your blind spot. If you're kiasu/kiasi enough, voice out "Checking blind spot..." but I can't gurantee that your examiner won't label you as a psycho though. But yes, EXAGGERATE your motions. Even if you're checking the rear mirror, move your entire head up to ensure that the examiner sees you doing so. Make an effort to show "courtesy to road users", aka give a friendly wave when people give way to you etc etc. Be confident of all your moves when you're driving - don't panic if you stall too, don't apologise. Just restart your engine, do your usual checks and drive off.

Oh yes and please por the tester too... literally translated, be an ass-kisser. Greet him with a smile (can be fake lar doesn't matter), wait for him to give you the green light to start your engine, address him by sir etc, basically you'll want to give him a good impression. Dress wise, I hope I won't offend anybody by saying this, but dress decently. Jeans + polo tee would be a good combination.. don't dress as though you're heading out for a night at Zouk, or too casually as though you couldn't be bothered with the test - first impressions do count, contrary to what people may tell you. If the examiner deems you as a young punk who's likely to speed once you get your license, your test will be living Hell.

Oh yes, and do pray that it doesn't rain on the day of your test... taking your driving test in the rain is one helluva killer experience.

Dishonesty at its very best - if you make a mistake that isn't too obvious, aka the examiner didn't notice, don't hesitate, pretend that it didn't happen and carry on as per normal. And don't be taken in by examiners who lean back, close their eyes and appear to be semi-asleep... they're just trying to see if you'll be complacent.

Lastly, try to avoid asking the examiner to repeat his instructions. If he tells you to "Turn left at this junction", just give him a quick reply and carry out his instructions. It doesn't reflect too well on you if you ask him "Turn left here ah?". It makes you look as if you're having some confidence issues.

Sorry for this super long post, but I sure hope it'll help you! All the best for your Class 3 TP!
hmmm..den u guys take private or school de? which school? and how much u guys pay for ur licences?
I pass my driving in Sept....first time. :D

The tester keep scolding me all the way....but he's like grandpa nagging at me. hehehe....but I just say ok ok and continue to drive steadily.

In the end he pass me. I think it's because I kept calm and not let him affect me too much that saved the day.
Btw....my friend pass the 2nd time. When she wore her mum's clothes and pretended to be mature.

Maybe the thread starter can try that too.
Haha, i greeted the tester, "Hi sir, good morning" No reply. He said turn left into the circuit (i was doing CDC btw), so i turned left, first mistake, turn into wrong lane, 4 points. Ok fine. So i tried to start a conversation, "sir, how long have you been a tester?" Reply is, go straight, turn left at the junction. Bastard. Then it was quiet all the way. After the test, went into the room, got 38 points. Saw 8 points deducted for failing to take precaution against pedestrians, i got so pissed, cause all the while, there were no pedestrians in my way during the test. And another 6 points deducted for stopping behind the yellow box. I stopped behind the yellow box because if i were to move forward, half my car would be in the yellow box and thus obstructing the cars turning into the box. And the tester said, got space but you didnt move forward. Wtf, i was so pissed when he ticked fail. I took the paper, IC and PDL, and walked out. Now im hoping i get an earlier date for my retest. And a better tester.
ahh that was some very good tips from alvyn.. should have seen his post earlier haha. i took in late oct and i failed, with 30 points. totally agree with testers being unfriendly and all. mine had a papaya face since the very start and there was totally no room for me to be friendly zz..
Oh btw, i met this guy Alias when i was waiting for the testers. Went out for a smoke and he asked for a cig. Spared him one and talked a little. Alias if you're a softie, please say hi and tell me whether you pass or fail not. I think the tester has something against me, maybe because im only 18 and im quite small sized, he probably thinks im the drive car for fun type. Nbcb anyhow tick very fun is it.
1- dont care about the tester.. he is there to test you. take it he is only a voice in your head.

2- apply to what you have learned.. get some tips from ur instructors on how to overcome those tricky tests (especially parallel parking... parking from hell)

3- be patient on the road dont rush

4- be alert at all times.. watch out for TAXIS especially the asshole of the road.

5- be confident

6- if it rains during your TP thats the best time for you to do your best because the route will be shortened due to safety. (i passed my TP when it was raining heavily.. blessed)

7- Last but not least if you think you made a mistake whether its an immediate failure.. just do it and finish it because the TP sometimes blur that he wont realised u made a mistake.

goodluck bro