DRIVE Question


New member
So guys, we have Distortion ( DS 1 , Rat ), and an Overdrive ( OD , TS ), and some have Fuzz.

But after you go clean, you must experience that crap clean tone that has no sustain nor drive or crunch for even nice strumming ( when you play live its terrible... ) ( assuming you are a poor git who doesnt change his pups ).

What would make a good drive to kick up the sound clean, and when you heat Dist / Od it gets even crunchier and more sustain in the notes? , perhaps that boost you need for Solos and lead Riffing?

If you dont know what im talking bout, im referring to pedals like the Ross Distortion, Blues Drivers, those kidn that you have ON all the time, Right at the start of the pedal board ( ok maybe after the wah ) that give your clean tone a sweet alteration.

I also know some dudes use an EQ / MXR MicroAmp / Pre-amp to do this , but lets talk simple and about a simpel drive pedal that alters Gain and Level ( for that crunch and boost for solos, and for that Increased gain for when you go clean during bridges and intros ).

What is the perfect drive pedal for this usage? Something that blends well with OD and Dist ( and not give me fuzz!! )

Shoot away fellow softies

Phoenix Custom Ranger, i was looking for exactly smthing like that and it has not disappointed so far and i leave it on all the time....
this might help as well:

get clean boosters?
stuff by xotix arent cheap however.. but they get the job done..
if you want slightly driven tones, a tube screamer can help you out..
bd-2 is NOT something you'd always leave on btw, cause its heavier than an OD but not as intense as a distortion..
haha the xotic bb preamp or RC is sweet but its too pricey. I was looking for a Pup Boosters, or Booster but with Gain control, to give crunch. haha the MI audiobluesboy is too pricey for a booster ( considering i have an OD already ).

Anything middle priced ? c'mon its just a booster with gain and drive functions. I thought TYMC sold those BYOC kinds @ around $100 ++
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get a super ex yummylicious guitar!!!
love your clean tone to bits then dunnid to use all those already... :)
Well I'm using a LPB-1 for that actually. At end of chain, always on. Adds abit of mids and slight dirt. Though its just 1 boost knob.
well i jsut tried out an OD3 over my JnH , at the end and at the start of the chain, gave me a horrible drive tone. Hated instantly, however i visited Xotic website and the RC booster seems like something that would probablyfits my needs to cut through when doing lead riffing and for a general nice crunch when i go clean and strum.

But Anything cheaper around that kind of range ? ( no ODS man, they mix terribly with dist and my main overdrive ).
How bout the BYOC Triboost, is it transparent enough?
i just need something you can leave on all the time ( and not get a disgusting tone )
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Ah! Gud one there, quite representative of some of the most common queries that I receive and resolve for...hopefully. :)

Tis is one of the reasons why I'm conducting the Tonequest event at Artshouse this sat. The admission free and there's nothing myself, the organizers and others are trying sell but lotsa info about guitar gear, tone and what not so the rest is really up to u.
