Curfew on youths


New member
As some of you'll may have read. The Singapore Police Force will be imposing a curfew on youths 17 yrs and below. Any youths seen after loitering after 11pm, they will be questioned and their parents will be informed and so on.
So what are you'll opinions?
is this true?haha. nonsense sia. F the POLICE!!! k i don mean that(or do i!). but it sucks ah if its true. no night walks? what if i need to go 7-11. oh well, the police can't keep their eye everywhere everytime.
Damnit. I turned 17 last december, but when I went to watch Fearless (jet li movie NC-16), they ask for identification! I look like a 15 year old secondary school kid..
Have to watch out for police at night now. :roll:
how the hell singapore is gonna be like hong kong or new york. they talk so much abt economy but they're killing it. i'm turning 18 this yr but i look 14.
17 is abit too strict la...i think maybe kids younger den 15 or 16 den shld impliment the curfew...but...y suddenly the SPF wanna set up the curfews?
Turning 18 this year but I look like 21. Ahah, not scared not scared! And I'm sure I can outrun any policeman. All getting fat and pudgy.
It's a couple of months till I turn 17, and its my holidays now! Can't youths stay out late?! Gosh why's the govt being so anal about it?! That's retarded man.. Its like AS IF this curfew's gonna stop teens from staying out late, it'll just make them want to stay out late more to prove that they've got balls to do it.
although we are already very much passe that sweet 17 number and it doesn't affect us at all, this stinks if it turns out true.

It would be embaressing to be Singaporean.
BlackMoo said:
If this is true, I'm migrating. I'm not joking.

Some of us actually felt the same way when we saw this crap

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