Confirmed Ibanez discontinues edge 3 bridge


New member
Both US and sg ibanez websites show the edge zero 2 bridge for all ibanez models below the prestige line. While good news for those buying new, not so great for those holding on to older models with the edge 3 line looking to sell theirs.

the Edge III bridge is still equipped in the GIO models (eg: GRG250 above), it's not discontinued. a standard RG equipped with an Edge III bridge isn't a lesser model, no doubt it's less preferred in terms of keeping up with the times.
Although the Edge III is a stable bridge, the durability of their parts are crap. the saddles are usually the first to go. Ibanez better not discontinue that bridge cos we need spare parts!

Their higher end bridges don't have such problems. The good thing about the Original Edge is that it is being reissued. however, there is no need for their parts because they hardly spoil.
had no issues pertaining to durability when i owned the Edge III- always wipe down after play. i even wipe down during play when it gets all too sweaty. discontinued or otherwise, we can't getspare for it readily.

I own a few guitars equipped with the Edge III bridge. the main problem I face is not rusting but rather the snapping off of the metal parts or the threading of the saddle becoming loose. I think it's the material they use for the bridge that isn't lasting in the long run.

you are right on the spare parts issue. it gets very frustrating to know that you have to pay so much just for one saddle off Ibanezrules (mostly due to shipping cost). Ibanez should start doing something to cater to our needs!