Buying classical guitar strings.


New member
I'm actually a newbie on guitar. Recently my guitar E string snapped. I would like to buy a new E string or whole set.

Any tips about getting one? Should I just ask the shopkeeper to gimme a set of classical guitar strings or is there smt more about it?

And what is the price range for a set or just one strings?
u can get just that string if u dont mind the different feel of old and new strings, or get the set if u want the age of the strings to be the same throughout. regular music schools like christofori and yamaha would sell it, and i think the price for one string is $1-4 dollars.
There are marked differences in string sound quality and how long the strings take to die. For example, Hannabach strings cost $25 a pack but they sound absolutely beautiful and last slightly longer than other strings. D'Addario Pro Arte strings IMHO are very much inferior to the abovementioned, but they're ok in terms of value for money. I'm a regular user of Hannabach, and i must say that they're worth the $25 price, much like the Elixirs on my acoustic. However, the D'Addario Pro Artes are fine if you're on a budget.