Boss MT2 Metal Zone - A Pain Or A Blessing?

Mt2, Good Or Bad?

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I have been using the boss mt2 for about a year now..and i actually thought it was quite good as there is a wide range of eq to tweak and the gain is not bad..however,i have heard many bad comments about the would you guys like to share your views on the pedal?an the reasons as well...
i have a randolfed modded one.. its a very good pedal imo
can get the emg kind of tone, the grunge is nice..:)
but i heard the stock one like mosquitoe
Very powerful EQ - great.

However, its tweaked for bedroom playing. Compressed and boxy (typical of many Boss drives) sound...

Remove that and you have quite a nice metal drive on your hands...

Then you go a/b with a Righteous Tones Fang... Toneczar Openhaus... Krank Distortus Maximus... and you realise the MT-2 actually does suck.

i use a 60th anni strat too...however i really dont encounter hissing of any sort...mayb its the amp?personally i use a peavy transtube and a laney hardcore mxd 30..i can actually play metal with it,like A7X...
oh yeah.. tried krank distortion maximus before.. i think its nicer than mt-2
but i think mt-2 is already quite good for metal in that price range
metalmuff with topboost is nice too!!
I think MT-2 are too heavy..The sound are nt nice when playing minimal dist songs..And btw I'm selling my MT-2..Looking to sell ard 80..PM or sms me ure offers..94507873..
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erm hijacking alert..anyway idont think its wise to post it here as you can see mt2 does not have good feedback.,..might affect your sales..and whats more ads DO have a proper thread to be posted in...
Well a stock mt2 has this very.. Nasal sound to it. Something which I can't tolerate at all. I really have to applaud its wide range of eq, however the tone leaves much to be desired.

After trying a monte allum modded one, no doubt the nasal sound has been removed and overall is pretty much improved, but it still somehow falls short of the mark, didn't make it on my list. :cool:
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perhaps i was pure noob back then, but i found (my friend's) mt2 extremely compressed, maybe more for the intense tapping metal styles. but its chug sounded muddy? i dont really know how to explain it, but it sucked. it sucked...
the eq drove me nuts... i know there's one knob where i couldnt move at all, it had to remain all the way anticlockwise. the moment i move it i get some noisy fuzz. urggh...
Jus wondering, has anyone use its wide range eq in boosting certain freq u want? How does it fair?

Useful and useful.

Powerful, lots of boost or cut available.

Especially for the mids, I like the concept of being abt to select a certain freq (actually a small range is selected) and then boost/cut it.
have stopped using this effect (prefer amp's default distortion) but highly respectable in my books. it's the industry's standard which many other brand names have surpassed, nevertheless, a 'safe' pedal to invest in :cool:
MT-2 is always the butt of all jokes. Its been around for the longest time and I'm guilty as charged of making fun of it.

THAT SAID, in the hands of a skillful player with good ears, it can sound very good. Most of the time its sounds like crap with 101 players using it... BZZZZZZZTTTTT BZZZZZZZZTTTTTT and for the wrong genre of music somemore. Imagine a 7th month getai with a MT2. hur hur hur....
Then you go a/b with a Righteous Tones Fang... Toneczar Openhaus... Krank Distortus Maximus... and you realise the MT-2 actually does suck.


I conjure with Mr Cow about the Fang and DM. Fang is more versatile but Krank has its own very unique character but if anyone's on a budget, the fang is very highly recommended. It's slightly more expensive than a new MT2. :)