beginner needs some advise/tips on practice at home

You know, after all that finger/wrist exercise you got... you might wanna "apply" it to other things... step 12 included. :D

I'm pretty sure I can do some piston action with my fingers after that much of a workout... :twisted:

Drumming does have its practical uses...
i'm glad u guys like step 12. ahahaha

ermm okie this will go on forever, but since i have no life and no step 12 i will argue on.
haiz okie thats why the mirror is there to observe the way u hold ur sticks.

get laid is to boogie woogie under the sheets, or on top of the sheets.

actually u do need muscle true that technique will really save on strength but u do need to have the strength there. playing a 40min set will be taxing if u have strength like a 5 yr old girl.

but yes like i said in my last msg that its wat worked for me and may not have worked for u guys it just my thoughts.................anyway go get a teacher so he can show uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......fuck i'm bored in this ang moh kumpong. no msn some more fwah loaaa!. and the chick downstairs is complaining that my drumming is too loud so i can't practice. i got 2 more songs to learn and shit load of chart reading before monday and i can't stop doing nothing. i am losing my mind......................
it doesn't exactly force u to play more evenly..

rather. it forces to really use your fingers instead of always relying on the bounce of the snare head or watever drum.

be patient when you're using pillows..can be very frustrating at times.. just be patient. start slow.