Bands Played at HeartRock Before....What's Your Comment??

Hi bands who have perfromed at HR gigs before...
What is your comment on the audience turn-out?
Would you perform again when invited?
Would HR gigs pave the way to a better local music scene or it will not change things?
By having more gigs, more frequently, will it make gigs cheap and not worth listening to?

Please be frank if we are serious about making local music what we aspire it to be. Even if you are not one of the 60 bands, please feel free to comment.
Audience turn-out was, well, not ideal, to put it mildly. The concept for the HR gigs is sound but maybe just needs a few more touches. Working with Power 98 is a good idea but instead of just announcing it on air, if the bands have demos, they could play them on the air as a sort of preview to the gig. As for having more gigs, I say bring them on!
I guess its the lack of publicity of HeartRock. If the media willing to promote local music, they should have a local music TV show or programme on radio for at least 1 hour. In Phillipines, the government wants the radio station to broadcast at least 3 local music on air everyday. If Singapore learn from them, I guess more Singaporeans will get to know more local bands and music and will come down to support. 2ndly, I hope HeartRock can bring in more establish bands like Astreal, Objection Overuled, The Observatory, Electric Co, Kate of Kale, Return To Fall, V's, Heaven & Earth or even bands from Malaysia.
The concept for the HR gigs is sound but maybe just needs a few more touches.

so what exactly is the concept?

so anyway if heartrock wants to expose the lesserknown or new bands, then playing their demo on the radio would not be viable considering they almost definitely wouldnt have one.
however, since mtvasia also publicised the last gig(on their website), then perhaps they could go a step further by recording some of it and use footage as part of tv ads. that alone could do much considering mtv can make anything look good.

but the next step would then be to actually make the hr gigs worth going to. lets not talk about the bands, since they constantly change. its the site itself- the INterchange.
when you have a stage facing a road, such that there is no space for a crowd in front, then how can you expect one? both performers and audience would realise 'this space wasnt meant for this' and it would just dampen the mood. at least its what i felt when i was there the 31st.
shifting everything 63 degrees clockwise such that there was space for an audience just didnt do it. the bands looked and felt odd on stage.

i just think that more thought should be put into the performance venues. everybody knows singapore still lacks space meant for performing art. but to assign improper space is definitely not gong to help very much. so itd be really nice if heartrock could do something bout this :)
i guess my only pt is with regards to the location. maybe it could be held at slightly more centralised areas...nearer to town perhaps? places like youth park...substation...
boo said:
so what exactly is the concept?

The HeartRock Website said:
Youth Outreach & Community Programme that bridges the grassroots network with the music community

In short, to hold gigs in the heartland areas rather than the usual city spots like Youth Park etc. :roll:
well it's quite okay actually, only there's not many people as audience. bit that's alright, it could be considered an experience for bands who have never gigged before.

so keep on doing it! :D
i think the problem is that the people there who go to watch it are actually the bands themselves. so the people there aren't going to have a good time, they're just judging the band that is peforming.
How about mixing sports (skate bording, inline skating, BMX, rock climbing, moto-x oops! that's too much!) with music.
I think that will attract more youth to the gig.
Or better still, have a competition.
If only we can get sponsors. We can pull in McDonald's.
And at the end of the year, we can have the CHAMPION'S COMPETITION with mega prizes!
How bout' that?
i think super_punk has a very acute point there. Most of the gigs I see, many are either band-members judging or friends of the band.

it is rather hard to get more youths to listen into local gigs when they, imo, don't really go for the music but rather the looks of the singers. (u know them - the 5566s and the Cyndis and stuff.)

as for solutions, i seriously can't think of any. Avonrellets may be very close to the point by pointing out the lack of radio influences, but I suppose the radio prefers more listeners to supporting the local music scene.

on the other hand, HR gigs need time to take off. I'd say, more gigs, better bands, better organizing will definitely improve the local music scence alot :)
I was restraining myself from answering, but cannot tahan. There's really a lot of very valid ponts raised and great suggestions. Buluhairy and Thor666 make me break my self imposed ban. Support from radio station, sports cum music, gig needs time to take off, and competition with sponsors, all these are very close to my heart.

I will get all these done. I will get more fundings so that HRS can go on for as long as it is needed. I will put different events like sports & dances together so that there will be a cross pollination of interest. Sponsors? yes I will also see to it that it will be done. I hope it won't take too long for me to get these to happen. HRS is now 10 months old. Let's see if we can get all these done in 6 to 8 months.

Of course some of the things will happen in the next couple of weeks eg radio station support for local music, band competition, hip hop dance competition going on with original music, and yes, the skate boarding & rock climbing at INterchange is supposed to be coming up soon.

But don't stop here. Let your comments keep coming in.
I just wanted to say thank you for all that you've done heartrocksingapore, just in case you're feeling less appreciated. Though the turnout might be bad, and can be disheartening, you're actually doing something worthwhile.
I'm just wondering what makes you think that I am feeling disheartening or less appreciated? Let me just recall, the last and only time Genetic Habit played at HRS was in March and at that time I had about 25 bands on my register. I now have 86 bands excluding those from the United World College what has just shown interest. Can I be disheartening and feeling unappreciated with the amount of new friends I've made through HRS gigs. Even over this forum I have made many friends, and they don't not necessary have to agree with me at all.

heartrocksingapore is the MAN!

*i mean he is the man in the photo lah :lol:
yeah, i performed there b4, turn out was really bad... expected much more people, ppl there arent there to watch and hear the music, most of them are there for their frens, where as in much many other gigs, ppl rreally go there to enjoy the music, the location is very out of the way and maybe juz to to advertise abit more...
Personally, I think the concept is good. What is the ultimate intention of holding gigs? For music or for general arts? In my opinion, it would be better to just have music and probably some extreme sports.

Publication wise, it would be good to have sponsors, especially with the like of MacDonalds. If there are some budget, maybe some publications of some kind can be done. I'm not sure if there's a website, maybe it would be helpful if there is a website and let the word of mouth spread and use the website as an information kiosk.

My 2 cents.

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