Article: Stolen Suhr Pedals

some details of the theft would perhaps jog the memory of the community here to supplement the investigation...
It can't be an employee cos theres only Carol and Ram, don't think Ram was there at the time also. If I remember correctly Ram said there was not CCTV footage of the crime. Serial numbers would be helpful if they have em tho.

Guess we have to keep our eyes open for suhr riots and shibas in our classifieds with no box and papers. Hope the thieves get caught man.
Thanks for your kind support and sympathy. We definitely hope to recover the pedals. They were our personal pedals that we put out for testing. Anybody who provides us information leading to the recovery will be rewarded. :)

Security has been stepped up and we will try to avoid discomfort for our regular patrons. However, we have no choice but to increase scrutiny. Thieves like this affect the entire community and generally dampen the retailer's and shopper's spirit.

Let's look forward to the festive season and enjoy it. We will be over all this soon and hope to leave this lousy incident behind.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.

Kind regards
Ram & Carol

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