Any good bass solo to intro?

all materials from NIACIN. there's no guitar player, so john novello & billy sheehan take turns to solo. oh, even dennis chambers solos on drum...
learn to play L'arc~en`Ciel riffs and trust me you'll be soloing on your own. Stay Away in particular has a really complex riff and a distortion'ed solo on it's own as well

A very good bass solo is 'Amazing Grace' by Victor Wooten. He plays the song using harmonics! Amazing!!! If you're a jazz person, try getting the Bela Fleck and Fleckstones DVD. You can see plenty of amazing stuff done by Victor. :p
Many of John Myung's solos are hard to follow melodically, but the outro solo on Fatal Tragedy is a nice one to learn. Nice harmony with the other instruments.

But what's with the solos? I know more nice bassline songs than songs with nice bass solos (grand total of... what, 10 songs maybe?) And yes, I suck hard rocks at improv soloing :-|