
You have several options if you're looking to power and daisy chain your pedals. I assume you're on a budget/typical Singaporean so I'll list the cheapest ones :)

1. Boss PSA-240. Outputs 200mA. Check Swee Lee for pricing
2. Moen power adaptor. Clone of the Boss PSA. Goes for $15.
3. OneSpot power supply. Outputs a whopping 1700mA. $35 from

Would be easier for people to help you if you list what gear you have.
careful of what brandless adaptor you buy.
i'd test it out at the shop first. coz once i bot a brand new
morley por series II wah/vol/dist and it totally blew.
the stupid brand new brandless adaptor i just bot for
it from (shop name i won't say) screwed it up.

i'm just paranoid it'd happen again. pissed me off good
that one.
sure it says 9 volts.. but the voltage can fluctuate and defluctuate alot. measured my friend's generic brand adapter, one moment it read 8.4volts and the next it read 9.8volts. don't rely on these generic brands. you pay $100+ for your precious pedal, then still cnt fork out $35-$50 more or a good adapter? don't be too cheap k :wink:
yah balls...
learnt my lesson.
huge sparks, power trips and melted metal is at stake.
very irritating.
i bot mine from a music store somemore. said sure can
use for any 9v pedal.

nah be

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