aching elbow & wrist joints


New member
hi folks! i hope this is nothing serious, but has anyone experienced aching elbow and wrist joints after practising the piano?

i'm not a serious pianist, but i do play abt once a week in a band and recently for a choir too. just today i thought i'd start seriously practising the choir pieces. i haven't practised seriously for a long time now, and then after abt 1.5hrs when i stopped, my elbow and wrist joints hurt(??!).

i hv a right knee problem too, cos starting this yr it started to hurt on and off, and i don't even do sports! (not since JC) sometimes it get so bad i have to wait a while before i can straighten my knee without it hurting.. i'm only 27 this year. is this normal?

if anyone's experienced this wld taking any kind of supplements help?
its probably due to bad posture and position when you play the piano, its not suppose to hurt or ache. From what you described i think the problem is because YOU DON'T EXERCISE, start exercising and eat heathily before its too late. vitamin D and calcium supplement helps.
If it gets worse or anything its best to go see the doctor :) good luck
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Wrist and shoulder pains are problem, and not all of it is due to posture. It's probably because they're overworked.
Plus you haven't been practicing on a regular basis, the upper limbs aren't used to being used too much. All you need to do is to continue practicing and ensure that you give those joints enough rest, don't overuse them for anything else.

I presume the right knee is because of the sustain pedal?
Might be tennis/golf elbow if you carry heavy stuff or play either of the sport.

In this case, its pianist elbow , maybe should spell it as painist elbow

i have experienced some minor muscle ache in wrist & hands when playing
before but it was very minor.
You might have tenosynovitis due to excessive wrist movement. It occurs commonly among musicians, especially pianists and guitarists.

You could treat the wrist through methyl salicylate cream (LMS) and diclofenac sodium cream (Volteran). However, since it's a repetitive strain problem, the best treatment is to rest until the pain is at a minimal.
Go to a doctor.

Unless anone here is a doctor, and even then, it's impossible to give a diagnosis without actually seeing you.

All other advice is nonsense, even if it does turn out to be correct, as it is only, at best, guesswork by someone untrained.

If you were experiencing pain with something such as playing octaves, then it would be easier to help you. But as the pain isn't localised, it suggests a problem that's more than just 'piano-related'.

But even that comment is conjecture lol.

Best to go see a doc.
Yes, indeed. We need to actually see you and examine you to diagnose, particularly if the pain in across multiple joints and limbs (polyarthritis instead of mono). Most likely due to strain, but if you are also getting knee pain without straining the knee, we need to make sure they are not related.

Sorry, no internet consultation.
hey thanks fellow softies! i'll take note and see a doctor if the problems persist..

so far right now i'm pain-free =D hope it stays that way!

thanks for all your advice and keep on playing!

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