a very stupid question


New member
sorry for asking, just curious.

can you tell the sound quality. of a guitar by just examining it without testing? i mean like, checking out the feel of the wood of the body and neck, bridges, machine heads, etc..
to an extent you can. bad construction like bad neck to body joint will affect the resonance of the bass. wood type and density affects it too. so if you know what to look out for, you can more or less guess the sound quality of the bass without testing.

strangely enough as u read more abt body woods that are used for guitars, you can actually differentiate the sounds produced.
yeah. so conclusion is that you can actually 'guess' the sound that will be coming out from just checking it out.
Take for exmaple: A guitar with a figured top compared to a guitar with a flat-colour laquered top: The one with a figured top would probably sound much better.
Why? Cuz who would make $2 chicken rice and then use $10 spring onions on top and have someone pay $12 for something that tastes normal? INSTEAD, it would be $888 rice and then $20 garnish right?

Well note that this is just a vague expression and by "figured top" i mean something like "AAA flamed maple top", along the lines of PRS. NOT laminate tops that u see on TGM.

P.S. forgive my horrible analogies.
ya that was a horrible analogy in the 2nd example you are paying more for both rice and garnish. and i'd rather pay $12 than $928 for chicken rice man. it should be $3 chicken rice, $1 garnish and $20 CHILLI SAUCE
You all are making me hungry just by talking about chicken rice.
Maybe the brand and model of a guitar will give you a gauge as well?
Why? Cuz who would make $2 chicken rice and then use $10 spring onions on top and have someone pay $12 for something that tastes normal? INSTEAD, it would be $888 rice and then $20 garnish right?

Im sure everyone knows that what crispyegg trying to say that aesthetics isnt everything.
I agree with crispyegg. I mean why buy a bass that looks $9999999999999999999999999999 and sounds $-000000000000000000000000000000.1 desho? (Unless for display purposes =P)
Thus goes the saying never judge a book by its cover.
So i'd also say lar, looking at the bass and judging its tone and sound isn't really going to do a bass justice, so testing it in every aspect FOR TEH WIN!!
Btw chicken rice rocks xD

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