A new amp or a Pocket Pod


New member
Hey there!

Im planning on buying guitar equipment this year but i don't know what to decide on.I dont do gigs i just sit at home do guitar covers and practice :). I play stuffs like Lamb of God, Metallica.Ohh im on a budget of $300
So there's 2 choices

1.Buy a good 2 channel amp(A Sound Drive 15 watt amp?) and a Boss Metalcore.
2.Buy a Line 6 Pocket Pod along with good earphones(Senheiser/Sony Earphones)

Give me more suggestions or anything that helps :)
Pros and Cons smth like that :)
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My opinion is that you should get a Pocket POD since you can experiment with effects and stuff.

On the other hand,

I think you should get a new amp since you play Metallica and Lamb of God, no need for effects, just straight up distortion.
Sometimes their cleans may have effects. Delay,reverb,chorus etc etc. I cant get all those on a Sound drive. Plus im on a budget below 300.Oops forget to jot that down.
Yup, I do realise that. But if you don't mind not having chorus, delays and reverbs in your clean sound then a new amp + pedal should do.

If not, get a Pocket POD.

And the Sound Drive SG-15 is Out of Stock as seen on the website.
Oh a thought just crossed my mind!

Get a Roland Cube 30x. A new amp + multi effects. But you have to top up a bit, like $50 - $60. If you are strictly under budget, maybe a Cube 15x will do.
Oh ya the Roland~
Almost forgot about them heheh.
But ah.If it was a modelling amp, i rather have it all in on the PP(pocket pod)

I seem like im very picky haha
I own both an amp(-_-'') and a pocket pod.The sound from the pocpod straight is good but when i plug it to my s**ty line6 amp, it sounds much wose than from headphones. I suggest that you should go for the pocpod instead of a cheap 15W amp. There are alot of custom tones available for the pocpod so you can experiment with the efx first.
To Mus,
Nice spot!heheh

To jeffrey,
Err i heard the Sound drive 15 watter is a good 2 channel amp except it doesnt have reverb etc etc.
Should i just check out both of this options.way easier.
But im the type who cannot go out to far places because my mum loves me very much haha.
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but when i plug it to my s**ty line6 amp, it sounds much worse than from headphones.

Which model are you using? Spider III?.

If it's a Spider III, it is already a modeling amp. By plugging the Pocket POD into the Line 6 amp, the sound you get won't be as good as hearing it straight from earphones or a good clean amp.
Yeah haha.
was thinking of that.
Sekali she hear me play LOG .Alamak haha.
Ask my bro to give me a lift on his motorbike hehe:)
the POD units sound splendid through headphones/ speakers. i prefer this simple set-up while watching TV & playing guitar:
