'50's Rounded or '60's slim taper


New member
Planin to get me a Gibby soon, so got some Qs in mind, here one! Hope u can enlighten me!

Wats the difference between a '50's Rounded or '60's slim taper neck?

I dont know about "Bibby" guitars. But for Gibson, 50 necks are rounded like C shape (a bit bigger) and 60 necks are slimmer and I personally like 60.
slim taper over 50's neck for me

but weirdly i played a wide fat carve, the prs version of c shape neck, and it was heaven to play on
slim taper sounds more easier and better feel of play! but im sure theres a difference in some sort! can some Gibson LP owners help out on tis toppic?

actually in general there are 3 different gibson necks on LP standards.
50s, 59 rounded, and 60s slim taper.

50s is obviously thicker, and the 59 being obviously more rounded.
the 60s slim taper, while not exactly 'slim', is as its name implies.
it maintains very even taper/thickness from 1st to 12th fret, whereas the 50s style gets thicker the higher you go up the fretboard.

these are Gibson's own general measurements for the 50s and 60s.
0.818" (20.8mm) 0.963" (24.5mm)

0.800" (20.3mm) 0.875" (22.2mm)

to loosely quote gibson on the 60s slim taper, it only increases in thickness less than 1/10th of an inch from 1st to 12th.

i find 50s neck to be much better for LP standards.
just gives the LP more balls, also partly due to the neck having more mass.

60s necks fit SGs more, only exception being the current SG standard whose neck is pretty thick.
well i play heavy genres, im not a shredder though, but i do fast licks and solos, plus u knw the bending pulling and hammer ons and bla bla stuff like dat! and also heavy rhythm work as well!

so which necks suits?
find one that fits your hands :p

i've compared my '95 LP standard with my friend's '06 LP.
both have 50s necks, and both feel slightly different.

myself, im actually more towards SG's.

my 2 SG's on the left have 60s slim tapers, but lets just say if you're expecting ibanez style pencil thin you're gonna be sorely dissapointed as its still pretty chunky.
comparing to a 50s neck, like mentioned, you wont notice that big of a difference until you go higher up the neck.
the 50s profile has a very round C outline while the slim taper 60s manifest a 'flatter' D-shape. do note that this trimming is effective up till the 12th fret. there's no 'better' in any case, play & choose the one most favourable to you. i chose the 60s profile for its personal appeal. do note that a gibson 50s neck is more readily acceptable in the re-sale market (fetches a higher price too...) if you have intentions to sell it off...

C rounded necks for me... I find the slimmer necks to be thinner sounding, n also i like the feel of it better.
i really don mind doing the testing provided i can squeeze out the time, but u knw, some shops don like it when u try but don buy, or juz simply gif u dat face,
the "u've been playing it for like 5mins now, u wanna buy anot" kinda look!

just show them the money, then sure they'll keep quiet and let you do anything.
and you sure you really want a LP? not a SG '61 reissue? :p
i initially had the mindset that i was ONLY going to get a guitar with a 60's neck because im pretty used to thin neck guitars, my ibanez rg and my esp being 2 of them.

however, after spending a few hours playing on all different neck profiles, i found that i quite like the neck profile of the custom, which is either comparable to the 50's neck size, or even slightly thicker.
i've tried 2 customs from the custom shop, one a '57 reissue from 1992, and a current one.
both have suprisingly thinner necks than a 50s.
also tried one regular custom, before they went custom shop, the neck was definitely thicker than a 50s.

guess it all depends on the hand that shapes the necks :p
Yup, im very sure i want the LP! tot of getting a copy, but thought, ah heck, mite as well go for the "real" thing! No offence to owners of copies though, ive seen their remarkable job!
Totally off topic but I feel more comfortable testing stuff at Yamaha/Sweelee than others (haven't been to Ebenex).

Feels like sooo many eyes watching/hearing + the "You're not gonna buy why try" kinda feeling.

Back to topic, I used to think playing LP would be a challenge cause have been too used with a thin strat neck. But now, it just feels awesome.