Recent content by daryl

  1. daryl

    WTS: Big Muff Pi

    Pm me with offer.
  2. daryl

    WTS: Tone Factor Huckleberry

    Pm me with offer.
  3. daryl

    WTS: Truly Beautiful Disaster

    It's the earlier model. PM me with offer.
  4. daryl

    Everything is Gray

    The Beatles, but not just pop and LSD The Strokes, but not just brit/indie whatever you want to call it. Elliott Smith & Nick Drake, but not just pretty melodies and sad words. Radiohead, but not just far-out ness and Johnny Greenwood solos. My Bloody Valentine, but not just glorious noise and...
  5. daryl

    Vinyl shops in SG

    Just starting out my vinyl collection, would appreciate it if you guys could recommend me some shops locally where I can go to. I'm looking for places which stock old rocknroll records like VU and Beatles maybe some punk Sex Pistols or Clash and also shoegaze MBV Slowdive and Ride Also newer...
  6. daryl

    $30 fine for eating sweet seriously you guys
  7. daryl

    mmmmm vinyls

    Ok so, lately been getting into vinyls. Any vinyl enthusiasts around here? Basically I'm looking to purchase a turntable (playback purposes) and i've been told i need a phono stage as well. I have a Bose lifestyle system at home so I'm gonna plug into that, amplifier and speaker is covered...
  8. daryl

    Drum repair shops

    I'm a noob when it comes to drum gear. Recently, my snare drum screwed up. The mechanism to make the snare wire touch the reso side can't be activated. I have no idea how to fix it. I left it alone for 2 weeks prior to that. Sounds too short a time for a good Ludwig drum to spoil on it's own.. I...
  9. daryl

    LOST: Yamaha acoustic guitar at White Sands's taxi stand

    It happened Friday morning the 6th of March round 11am. I left my Yamaha acoustic guitar at White Sands's taxi stand. The guitar is in a black soft case (pretty flimsy case). It is a dreadnought in natural finish and it has a black pickguard. There is a plaster stuck to the bottom of the back...
  10. daryl

    Freemansland, good or bad?

    Just in case the title is taken out of context, this thread is to discuss whether these kind of pay to play gigs, where no auditions of any kind are held, are beneficial or detrimental to the scene. Is there exploitation of newbie bands in any way? Created this thread so as not to clutter up the...
  11. daryl

    B-Quartet is the BEST BAND IN SINGAPORE

    who agrees? I went to Spread The Love just now and although i own the cd, that was my first time catching them live and WOW I actually (got an infringement point expressing my emotion using the f word so i'm editing this) teared it was that good. Bani Haykal = HERO Now I can't wait for the...
  12. daryl

    Alfian Sa'at's "The Merlion"

    i feel it is apt to quote Alfian Sa'at's "The Merlion" in it's entirety here: "I wish it had paws," you said, "It's quite grotesque the way it is, you know, limbless; can you imagine it writhing in the water, like...
  13. daryl

    Article on Life!, support for local music

    there's an article on the front page of Life! today regarding local music and it's 'groupies'. it wasn't very insightful but i felt it was quite nice to read about local music on the newpaper. and it brought this interview i read a while back to mind. a friend directed it to me. it was an...
  14. daryl

    check out my lousy covers

    hey check out my lousy covers on youtube. i suck ): oh god they are so lousy, and i can't stand listening to my own voice... and they itch so bad... and don't click on them or you'll catch the lice and you'd be lousy too ): With Love and Squalor...
  15. daryl

    12-stringers come together.... right now... over me.

    haha i'll be getting my first twelve string pretty soon and realised that it's quite a rare breed around here, seems to be no talk about them. so here's a thread for it. hmm with 12 strings you can tune the thinner strings either to unison, or an octave higher, or even another different note...