23rd Feb(Saturday)–(DXS) Public Performances At JGCC For Mexican Embassy/MP & Public

23rd Feb(Saturday)–(DXS) Public Performances At JGCC For Mexican Embassy/MP & Public


Venue: - Jurong Green Community Club -Opened Stage
Address: Jurong West Ave.1
Time: 8pm to 10pm (TRy To Be There By 6pm Bros/Sis)
SOundTec: - Lightings and sound


23rd Feb (Saturday) – (DXS) Drum Xchange Singapore Public Stage Performances In The Open At JGCC For Mexican Embassy / MP & Public.!

A Brief

A Warm Welcomming Drumming From DXS for the Mexican Embassy & It’s Delegates & MPs & Everyone there by (DXS Drummers) at 8pm.

DXS Members and Drummers performing- Be there at 7.30pm or earlier, as our showtime is at 8.00pm. There will be our very own Soft Camerman & Drummer (Zildjohn there), our own Recording Artists (Ron) from Soft, and The Press People.

Ø Nazreen will lead and Rehearse our Volunteering Drummers (I will let the Volunteer-Drummers know when is the date) thus we need 8 Volunteering Drummers (apart from the Drum-Battle Drummers) to take part in this Short Opening Before The Drum Battle Begins and it will only be a short 2 to 3 minutes drumming thing.

This Drum Parts (for the 8 Pax Drummers in the Opening for Our Drum Battle) is written by our DXS Advicer - Mr Tama Goh himself which will be passed to Nazreen who will assigned & show & guide the 8 Volunteering Drummers of DXS. – Please do volunteer my Bros/Sis.

PS: - This Opening Item will be kick-off with a Catchy Rhythm & Some Sticks Works, then it will slimmer down to a S Forzando Drum Roll for “ANNOUNCEMENT” to declare – “ The Drum Battle Shall Now Declare Opened “……………… and Once the declaration is done – All 8 Drummers will Play 4-Bars of Tutti-Passage & Exit (meaning end) – to have some differential drumming apart from the Usual Samba Thing (If Possible).

PS:- We Need Volunteers here – Please Sign-up Here (or call me at 97989977) - - Drummers Volunteering preferably Able To Read Simple Drums Notation (knows Basic Rudiments) – Rehersal will be either (on a Monday or a Wednesday or a Friday – not 3 days of course) at Jurong Green CC at 7.30pm Onwards. I will be there my dear Bros/Sis. Nazreen will be conducting this for us……and all are Welcome to join in if you wish – We wanna make an Impact here on that day.

Ø The 8 Drummers will be playing on Floor Toms (not snare –I think it’s nice)

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)

(1) rla
(2) snow

Ø Next – we will have DXS Official Drum Challenge Performances (Each drum challenge takes about - 10 to 15 minutes) – A Big Thank You To our DXS Drum Battle Participants as per below who had without hesitation or 2nd thought, so willingly agreed and took their own personal precious time out to come help make This Very 1st DXS Public Event as Successful as possible. They are: -.

v Chow Kiat
v Jono
v Deon
v Jiv
v Liang Hong
v Gary
v Nazreen
v Ahpek
v Fairoz

Tentatively The Line-Up will be: -
v Chow Kiat vs Jono
v Deon vs Jiv
v Nazreen vs Liang Hong
v Ahpek vs Fairoz

Gary - unfortunately cannot Make-It on the day - as U-Blues will Be having A Gig in Australia..on 23rd Feb

Drums Used: - Yamaha Maple Customs (from MUSART) & Mapex Orion (Thanks to Pro Musique - Terry) - Both Kit will be Mic-up by Soundman

Ø Next Then – we shall have Some Free & Easy Drum Challenge from DXS Members Itself (Anyone – can do a short one –just jump into one of the Kit and enjoy yourself) – Let’s the Crowd thinks that – Drumming is Fun.

Ø Next – What, the DXS Members can do is – To Encourage The General Public There – To Come Up and Play Around With The Drum Kit and HAVE FUN …. DXS Members to talk, answer question and help these non-drummers/drummers with an understanding of what DXS is all about - Drumming As A Passion.

Ø DXS Membership Forms shall be available to DXS Members should someone wants to join us or we can refer them to the Reception at the Front Desk to look for Peng Peng..

Ø END and Good Night Everyone….Help keep the Kit DXS Members.

DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt
(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
(8) vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) Snow
(15) .......please continue
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Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
Thanks Bro rla !

Ps; - To DXS Members - Not to worry -if you cannot read too well, but can play a little Rudiments - come put your name here - try it out 1st - It's not that tough according to Nazreen (try to use Memory) - - seriously - come and try out - afterall we are all a Family here - promoting Drummers & DXS ..right? ..Please do sign up... I am very confident that many of you can do this...

Drinks on me - common ..thanks !
hey guys and gals sign up leh...or not later I alone do leh...actually if a female drummer signs up then it'd might just inspire the younger females to pick up drumming as well..oh well.
hey lepak,
if you say your reading sux, den joining this is better, it will help you to know more about reading the notes..
it doesnt hurt ryte, in fact playing drums, or any other musical instruments, its better to start from basics, that is reading the notes
since you said, your reading sux, means that you know how to read ryte?
so i think by joining, you will improve...
trust me..
i know..
Terry of Pro Musique had just confirm this morning - that he will loan us the - MAPEX ORION (for the 23rd Evening) - as the other Kit is a Yamaha Maple Custom..

Thanks to Terry - Drum Challenger - can now both have a Maple High-End Kit for Performances. ... and Fairoz will be there in the Drum Challenge (Thanks To Terry again from Pro Musique) - who has also always given us DXS - the Utmost Support.
DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt
(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
(8) vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) Please Continue..............

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
No Harm - Lepak, biopromax & metzalx - come for the Practice - I want to try too (though you all know - I'm a so-so drummer only) - - The Main thing is - Embrace this as a FUN Thing - cause it is really going to be.......The more Drummers we have the better it is - We're goona Make hell lots of Noise - Since We have The License To ! ...Please put in your Name - Give it a Shot......ok

Are you all not comming to support DXS this 23rd - come ok..please.ee - We're all DXS Drummers.

Bro DT - hope to see you there too...
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*twiddling thumbs*
hmm...i guess i could try this. if i can't get the hang of it, you guys are welcome to replace me :P

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
(2) snow
DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt
(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
(8) vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) snowflier -
(15) Please Continue..............

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
(2) snowflier

PS: - Wah Elaine - you are my idol lah? ... thks.
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DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt
(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
( vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) snowflier -
(15) mel80 - melvyn

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
(2) snowflier
Ok, I don't know how to read drum scores yet but I'm willing to learn. After all, everyone has to start from the basics right? So if I'm unable to participate in the opening act, then I'll be a supporter :)

DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt
(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
( vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) snowflier -
(15) mel80 - melvyn
(16) LordNagrath - Nathaniel

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)
(1) rla
(2) snowflier
(3) LordNagrath
Wowza! So exciting! Certainly a milestone in DXS!

Unfortunately, I have a gig on Feb 23! Might just be able to come around 9-ish to catch the ending though.

Have fun and rock out guys and girls! \m/
DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt

(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
( vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) snowflier -
(15) mel80 - melvyn
(16) LordNagrath - Nathaniel
(17) Gary - The Monster (Drum Challenger)

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)

(1) rla
(2) snowflier
(3) LordNagrath

PS: - Anyone is welcome this Tuesday 29th January at 7.30pm - to join me - Check Out The Yamaha Maple Custom Kit - to ensure that it is in Tip-Top Performance & Condition at Jurong Green CC - If need be - Hardwares or Batter/Reso that need to be change not in order - we have to let the Big-Boss (Chairman Hendry) knows.....because - The Mapex Orion is also a Very Killer Kit as we all knows -So, we hope all (Drum's Gladiators) Kekeke or Drum-Challengers who is battling it out there for Entertainment to be on the Best Equipment there....come along and join me if you wish - call me anytime....cheers

DXS - Our Job Is To Inspire Our MP There To Pick Up Drumming ! ... .. Kekekeke - - It's not like selling Ice-Cream to Eskimo isn't it
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DXS Members Comming To Support/Watch/Promote Our Very Own DXS Performances - Please put your name here - so we know who will be there --- We really need your Support .tttttt

(1) Soft - James
(2) Rudimental Drummer - Eric
(3) Rla - Rupert
(4) Plainsman - Alfe
(5) ECK - Chow Kiat (Drum Challenger)
(6) stephj - Jono (Drum Challenger)
(7) deonportnoy - Deon (Drum Challenger)
( vanhelSINGH - Jiv (Drum Challenger)
(9) hi - Liang Hong (Drum Challenger)
(10) ahpek1 - Shaferi (Drum Challenger)
(11) Nazreen - (Drum Challenger)
(12) Fairoz - (Drum Challenger)
(13) Tama Goh
(14) snowflier -
(15) mel80 - melvyn
(16) LordNagrath - Nathaniel
(17) Gary - The Monster (Drum Challenger)
(18) caijunlong

Volunteers For The Opening Item (The More The Merrier -Pls sign Up your Name Here)

(1) rla
(2) snowflier
(3) LordNagrath
(4) caijunlong

I hope I can be of help!