Where to go after N level??Sec 5 or ITE??


New member
Im preparing to sit for my N level this year and i dont know where to go after N level...I think I dont want continue sec 5 but I donno if its a gud choice..BTW ITE got many good courses nowadays...those or are older than me .can you share me some decisiions/opinions...thankz...
i fail my n's this year and I'M GLAD!

have you read the newspaper ? there's an article on this. go check it out.

i'm currently studying higher nitec in electonics engineering and i can't tell you how fun is the course. life's really interesting there compared to secondary schools but unless you think you can handle O's then go ahead and prepare for a journey to hell.

good luck bro!
hahah! Os isnt exactly hell, i think it kinda depends on you. what are your plans? i mean if you're going to ITE/Higher Nitec, what comes after?

take a shot at O levels if you can handle the pressure. with proper time management and revision, i'm sure you can pull it off :D

just give your all in whichever path you choose ;) and all the best dude
go for sec 5, take o levels, aim for jc, if fall short can make it to poly, and from either poly or jc, go to uni. after getting degree, go back to ur sec sch and laugh at the teachers who condemned u (if any)
REALITY CHECK! GO FOR SEC 5! what the bloody shit is wrong with you??? you have not even passed your N levels and your already thinking of giving up? Don't undermine yourself, gotta give yourself more credit than that! Go for sec 5! study :)
its better if u try and do your O's. like if u do well u can choose poly or jc if cannot then u still can go do higher nitec. its like the more options u have better.
and even at subway u gotta have your o's to be a sandwich artist.

you dont really need to study like siao jsut pay attention in class maybe 1 hr of revison from time to time. dont end up like me and my friends slack like siao then last minute all die.
You failed your N levels this year and you're glad? I'm sorry that's an extremely warped logic that I cannot grasp at all.

Regardless of what the hype is about "alternative routes of learning", and how a minority of Singaporeans managed to become successful without a proper education, the reality still stands - you need an education to get anywhere in life.

My brother took his O levels last year, and was contemplating taking music at La Selle. I told him in no uncertain terms, that I wanted him to get his diploma, or A level cert, before I would support his decision to take up music.

For you, I would say the same thing, in the same tone of voice I used with my brother. Don't give up on education. Nobody ever said studying was easy, nobody ever likes studying.

My lecture mate in uni is a guy who dropped out of ITE, retook his O and A levels as a private candidate, and made it into university, majoring in Political science. I'm an A level student, and the essays that my friend produces, along with the discussions he can have with me are AMAZING. He motivated me to really work hard here in uni, and he is living proof that hardwork truly pays off.

I'll leave you with something he said to me that made an impact on me. "Don't study, go out do what? Eat grass sell illegal cigarettes ah? Siao now I sibei xiong study.. next time limpeh sibei relax. More hohseh what."

At least take a shot at O Levels. If you fail,it's still win-win for you considering you actually have a thought of going to NITEC. Think about it,it's about your future anyway..easy now doesn't necessarily means easy later in life.
MJ0801B1 electronics engineering.

actually u can't make that decision now lah.. really, cause it all balls down to ur results, well most of the articles in the newspaper states that if u get 9-10 point s u might as well go to ite straight to higher nitec,
+1 for sec5

if you go ITE and eventually wanna go back to poly.

you'll be wasting a few years of your life away

but it really depends on your results and commitment too
maybe its just my school , i dunno. those above 8points for N's can barely take O's life. Unless you are really prepared to take the GREAT jump and study like nearly everyday.

And what if you couldn't handle Sec5 stuffs ( assuming IF you're quite lazy. No offence! ) and flung it ? You will still be going to higher nitec and end up wasting another year of your life.

If you choose to take higher nitec , the chances of going poly is MUCH higher than taking O's.

And if you do well and awarded with COM , you can have direct entry to the 2nd year of poly.

Wait a few days more for the O's results to be released and ask your seniors/friends for their opinions.

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Just remember this "Enjoy Now Suffer Later, Suffer Now Enjoy Later". U take the easy way out, ur life in the future wont be easy, u take the hard way out, ur life will be easier in the future.
dude look at it this way.singapore no education no life.aim as high.not saying nitech is no good.can get you where you want too.but going sec 5 is majorities suggestion.hae a tlk with your parents too.good luck man.cheers.
Regardless of what the hype is about "alternative routes of learning", and how a minority of Singaporeans managed to become successful without a proper education, the reality still stands - you need an education to get anywhere in life.
For you, I would say the same thing, in the same tone of voice I used with my brother. Don't give up on education. Nobody ever said studying was easy, nobody ever likes studying.
word! esp the part about nobody likes studying! i love reading but i hate reading my texts, i dunno why, maybe it's because of the exam pressure. and i totally hate exams. can't stress that enough.

But still WHATEVER you choose make sure you stick to it and try your very best to excel in it. That's the most important thing. After all if you can get really good at your craft (no matter what it is) you'll be in demand.

Also I seriously don't think anyone could face the end of the world here in Singapore who's willing to work. Your basic needs will be well met if you're willing to keep on trying.

Anyway do explore the options before you and let us know of your decision! And all the best!
Hi there!

Let me share you some might be useful information to you or maybe the rest. My opinion is you should better take that O level if you have the chance. Yes, the result really matters. Nitec or Higher Nitec is good and if you're into technical career you could go into polytechnic eventually without any O levels.

But here's the catch. In the real working life, with a Nitec or Higher Nitec you can eventually earn well provided it's in the right location. With an O level only, you're simply unskill. But that's just that. I used to have a Technician who has a higher Nitec and he climb his way to become an Engineer after passing his Poly Diploma doing it part-time. I am actually happy for him as he has worked hard both in studies and his duty as well. So, the company decides to send him for further course as a Fire Safety Manager (FSM). As he has a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from our local Polytechnic, we all assume that he is more than qualified as the minimum requirements is just O level. But guess what?? He was rejected as he doesn't have an O level even after showing his diploma to the FSM board. Don't ask me why.

My point is O level is like a minimum requirements for you to move in to many such courses in your near future which you'll never know. And if you're going to work in the government sector in the future. Having an O levels certificate will really help you alot though you may already have a diploma then on.

Good Luck!!

Hey dude the fact that ur actually asking for help shows that u do care about ur future, and thats really good. I d say go to sec 5 because im very sure O levels isnt going to be something u cant overcome. One guy said O levels is hell, i ll tell him to go fk himself. He did not even try it how would he know? Going to sec 5 and then to poly would be the best choice to me. Of course if u believe u d like e jc lifestyle then choose it. But i would definitely strongly advise u to take ur o's, study SMART not necessarily too hard and then go to poly doing something u enjoy doing. All the best bro
u gotta remember the fallback too..

just study la.. dun be lazy... it won't hurt u that much.. just study, and eventually, u'll nvr regret doing wat u did.. and manage ur own time.. look at the majority of people with lesser certificates nowadays, look at how difficult it is for them to find a job, and trust me, with Singapore's drastic development, it won't get even better.. Soon, diploma is just another basic cert..

All the best to ur 'n' levels ts.. :)
just go sec 5 and try ur best, even if u fail u won't regret, cos at least u know u gave ur very best, right? and to be honest o levels isn't anywhere close to hell... go ns is hell, and that's something u have to go through 1 day.