Official Year End Sale!


New member

Sims Drive Showroom Clearance Sale
The long awaited Swee Lee Sale is finally here. All items at Level 2 Showroom are clearing with discounts of up to 50% off. Selected brands may
have special discounts of up to 70%. Grab whatever you can while they are still there. Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.

Sims Drive Warehouse Road Show Sale
Can’t wait for the long queues? Check out these fabulous deals at our road show with our sales personal at Level 1. Please note that not all things
are put on display due to space constraint.

*Please note that payment by credit card (VISA/MASTER/AMEX/NETS) are ONLY entitled for purchases above S$100 during SALES
To the kind people at Swee Lee:

Please have your year-end sale literally at year-end, when most of us have loads of moolahs around that time. Thank You :)
^ although that would be extremely likeable i dont think its possible.. at the end of the year they'd wanna settle their accounts and all. all the financial stuff. =( sad for us. haha
Come on guys... this is not the 1st time Swee Lee having sales... after this one there will be a post year end sales, then there will be CNY sales.. and a post CNY sales...etc.... LOL
glad to see swee lee having their 50% sale again! at least they've learnt from previous experience and split the dealers, mfo members and public over 3 days.

that way, you guys won't be fighting for stock with dealers on sale day.
oh my...if only i could estimate the price of the epi V during the sale.can someone help me out here?