8th Soft's Drum Xchange/Meetup - 17th Nov 2007 ! DXS Group Photo-Taking at 3pm

8TH Drum Xchange & Meetup

The 8th Soft’s Drummer Meetup & Exchange
Venue: Ulu Pandan CC, Wind Symphony Room
Date: 17th November 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm to 5pm (5 Hours) -

How To get There: - Alight at Bona Vista MRT Station – Get down MRT turn Left – walk all the way up – asked people around (about 5 to 10 minutes walk only) - you can call me also at 97989977 Eric to clarify if still in doubt.

Photo-Taking-Session - Soft Drum Xchange Singapore 17th Nov 2007 This Meetup at 3.00 to 3.30 PM- Please Come Join Us (With or Without Tees Just Come! -

Our Theme For This 8th Meetup: - = ? ? ? ? :twisted:

Can Someone Volunteer To Help Bring The Below Items: -

(1) 2 pair Double Bass Drum Pedal

(2) Cymbals (Bro Drum_Hobbyists..or anyone)

(3) Anyone Wants to Volunteer To Bring Just one Snare – (Used during Exchange) – Can do so.

Committee Members:
Soft, RD, rla, drum_hobbyist, reuben, caijunlong, Mel80, jimmyplaydrums, rustee, blissuicide, killerbee, snowflier, plainsman and our Bro LuciferSatan (The Late Kevin Corey Of Heritage)

Our Supporters : -

Soft Drum Kit 100% Sponsorship By: - MAPEX Distributor (Terry of Pro Musique)

Guest Drummer - If Any

Guest Bassists From Soft - Hopefully Some Of Our Soft Bassists Will Come and Join Us - The CC will let me know if the Bass Amp & Speakers are in Working Condition

To View/Read About Our 7th Soft's Drum Xchange Meetup on 29th Sept - Here's The Link: - Very Happening ! : -

Those Attending this 8th Meetup, please put your nick and PM me or Reuben your contact number (if you are attending it for the 1st-time) ..thank you (Usual procedures)

(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
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(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
Yes please.eeeeeeeeeeeee - ALL COME ......... Tees will be Ready, Drum Heads will be Ready, hopefully Banners too will be Ready by then................killerbee Soft's Drum Xchange "Buttons" may be ready..........

Take Group Photos - as one big family ! Nice.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Really - Then make Brochures, Leaflets...

How about that ! interesting yah ?
Need those stuff to put on so can promote to other young drummers when I go to their place to setup their new drum kit which their daddy and mommy bought for them.

(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
Photo-Session of Soft Drum Xchange Singapore this 17th November 2007 - at 3.30pm ! - Please Be There

All the above (Identity - Tees, Banners, Drum Reso) should be ready by 17th November 2007 Meetup at Ulu Pandan. So - There will be a Photo-Session (we have to take nice nice pics) which we will use it on our Leaflets In Colour (at least for the 1st-time -round) & depending on how much - We might be doing up some Poster.....Please put your face in there Bros/Sis.

Beside these - - - We would definetely want - James (Soft) and Terry (Mapex Distributor of Pro Musique) to be there, Tan Boon and as many drummers to join us in this Photo Shoot -if they could......Committee Members will also help to contact all these people.
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(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
ahh man.........photo taking.........waaa....nvm...ill be back....mean while....
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!)
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!)
(8) Blurred (i'd be actually there this time, do u guys wanna see the jarrah snare?)
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!)
(8) Blurred (i'd be actually there this time, do u guys wanna see the jarrah snare?)
Aiseyman...I can't go..I need to go work oversea.... 16-18 Nov. Haiz. Nevermind, u all take pix and someone please photoshop my pix in can? :)
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!)
( Blurred (i'd be actually there this time, do u guys wanna see the jarrah snare?)
(10)DrummerKAY (Along with maybe 1-4 friends ;D)
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer [/b]
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu
(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!)
(8 ) Blurred (i'd be actually there this time, do u guys wanna see the jarrah snare?)
(9) drumz_yunjie
(10) DrummerKAY (Along with maybe 1-4 friends ;D)
(11) mel80

Hopefully nothing will crop up at work at the last minute. *keeping fingers crossed*

And yessss blurred. Please bring the snare! :D
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Marcdadrummer (im on.. Sabian HH raw bell dry ride)
(4) plainsman (lets get it on.. )
(5) Drum_Hobbyist (Istanbul Mehmet Sultan series)
(6) sidmontu

(7)smildrumez(in spirit!!!!!!) - we understand - Army Mah Bro
(8 ) Blurred (i'd be actually there this time, do u guys wanna see the jarrah snare?)
(9) drumz_yunjie
(10) DrummerKAY (Along with maybe 1-4 friends ;D)
(11) mel80
(12) Terry (Pro Musicque-our Sponsors)
(13) Tan Boon (DrumFest)
(14) Augustine (who did our DXS Logo on DrumHeads)
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Aiyoh Photo-Taking is at 3.00 to 3.30pm - negoitiate with your Paino Teacher to have the lesson earlier can come liao lor - correct.....

See you there - I know you ordered a Tee mah.

DrummerKay: - Do join us - we share.eeeeeeee
I think it's better for me to sit there and watch cause i know nothing ;X So the Drum Meetup is on 20 Oct or 17 Nov? >_<