ZR tremolo bridge


New member

If I own an older model of the S series, is it possible to buy the ZR bridge anywhere to replace my old bridge? Heard alot of rave reviews abt the ZR bridge...
what bridge is on your older Saber?

The S470 series had the horrid TRS on them.

And if your older Saber did not use the ZR trem, its not advisable to get the ZR trem system.

Reason, you will have to route a LOT to get it in, AND... I don't think any tech in Singapore has had any experience installing a ZR trem.

Get a replacement floyd rose, but if your trem is the Edge/Lo Pro Edge, then why change?
Hmmm, I'm not sure if its a TRS or an Edge.

It just says Licensed Under Floyd Rose Patents.

Its an Ibanez S540LTD with a custom made logo on the 21st fret - anyone has any idea?
its prob an edge. u can check at ibanez website also wad bridge u r usin. go under usa and then parts and select any year betw 2000 to 2002. u shuld find ur model ther. but from wad i noe s540 norm have ibanez edge trems on them.
hey dude, yea i use an s540ltd too. its got an ibanez edge on it. i strongly suggest u keep the trem unless you've really got a strong reason to change it. mine's never failed me.
S540LTD owner here 8)

the vibrato bridge in this one is the beloved Lo-Pro Edge, one of the best by the manufacturer.

awe man... that looks and feels sexy... i wished i had that on my pacifica!

haha too bad they stopped putting floating bridges in pacs since like... 1992...
whoa sub, your guitar's condition looks perfect man.

my bridge is like all peeling, even the poles on the pups are rusty already.

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