ZoukOut in Havaianas Style!


New member
Havaianas Singapore is looking for 3 guys and babes to be their Havaianistas and ZoukOut VIPs! Get your ZoukOut party gear and camera ready!


All you got to do is to take a picture of yourself in your party gear and post it up on to the Havaianas Singpore Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/SingaporeHavaianas

1. "Like" the page
2. Upload your kickass picture onto the wall
3. Get all your friends to "Like" our page and "Like" your post

Easy as that. For more contest details and T&Cs refer to: http://www.facebook.com/SingaporeHavaianas?v=app_4949752878

AAANND! Exclusively to all SOFTIES we have 2 ZoukOut tickets and 2 Limited Edition Havaianas ZoukOut flip-flops up for grab. Just reply to this thread with your submission link and taa-dah, James will pick 4 SOFTIES on random.

If you're camera shy, just vote for your favourite to win! :p