Zoom B2.1Ut Vs B9.1Ut


New member
Hi Guys, Which One Would Be Worth The Money? Im Buying Both Second Hand :)

My First Bass Pedal, So Can I Have Some Opinion :) Thanks!
the B9 looks like it's much more powerful and will sound better! Also has more patches. But ultimately I think it depends on your budget, if you can afford it I suggest you go for the B9, will last you much longer than the B2, especially when you wanna fiddle with the effects and stuff.
Since this is your first pedal, it will be more like discovering what you like. You are likely to want another one within the year, whatever you buy. If the price difference is too much go for the cheaper one.
i got the Zoom B2.1u and i'm trying to get rid of it. pm me, and i'll just pass it along to you with the manuals and CD. you can have a free tryout.

but in my opinion, it'll be just better if you bring your bass along with you to a shop and try out real pedals. i bought the B2.1u and regretted it the moment i used it on stage. it sounds nice when you're testing it i guess.
Ok Thanks Guys :D Gonna Get A Second Hand b9.1ut! Thanks For All The Help kester, Turxile and jemmies :D Appreciate It! Cheers!