i may not be a bassist..
but i own the g2.1u.. my bassists owns the b2.1..
anyways, you can always fix a earphone to a converter, changing the stereo jack to a quarter-inch one..
then you can plug in directly and listen to..
thats what i do with my g2.1u..
im sure the bass one can do the same as well..
I personally advice the b2.1u instead. I own one for a year already.. and I must it's really worth for the money. The drum machine is quite good though I thought if it could have more jazz drum patterns would be better. So other connecting it to my SWR amp's SEND and RETURN.. when I'm in studio while waiting for other musicians to do their recording, I plug my AKG headphones into the output of the B2.1 and start practicing to the drum machine and metronome.
For the B2.1u, it comes with a USB1.0 input into ur PC/Laptop... for recording thru Cubase LE while is included in the package. But I must say that there's latency, when you monitor it out thru ur PC speakers. But no big deal, cos you can mute it and then after recording, drag backwards the track and you still get ur recording done in time.
If you're not looking too far.. like into recording, the Zoom B2.1u is definitely a worth buy.. as there're not much bass efx tat comes with a pedal.. sounding tat good and looking that good..
ZOOM's sampling technology isn't that good as line6 ... comparatively .. line6 beats ZOOM anytime .. hands down .. no questions asked ...
i think zoom makes nice budget products .. suited for people with tight budgets .. but if you have the cash .. just go for the line6 ... really .. =) ... tried .. tested .. proven ..
Im am also thinking about either of them, but i realise the Line6 Bass Floor POD, dun have efx like compresser, wah and many more, there is no tuner also. So i think the zoom wud be much better..