Reporting back
Ok, we were there last night and here's my report:
We made a booking for 11pm last night. Thanks to my silly drummer for being late (he's always we had to call to inform Zai Studios that we'd be late.
We arrived at about 11.45pm and were greeted at the studio door by the guys. We thought that they would be upset cos we had asked for a special arrangement past their official operation hours but to our suprise, they were so friendly!
They showed us our jam room (we booked suite 3) and then gave us a guided tour around the place. it's sooooo huge! So many possibilities! They have the entire floor! And man, there's a hugeeee.. balcony with a FANTASTIC view! so awesome man.
Ok, so after that they helped us set up in the room and left us to jam.
Since it was a " 2hr get the 3rd free" promo, we thought maybe they'd come in at 2 am to tell us "times up"(since our booking was actually at 11). And guess what at about 2.15, one of them came into the room. To our suprise though, it was to say that we did not have to leave and they would count the booking as if it were at midnight. so that means we had till 3am! They said that since we called to let them know and since they had some work to do anyway, they would let us stay! wow!
We continue to jam and at about 3.20am, one of them comes in and offers us milo! *so nice*!!! So we packed up (they even helped us to pack up) and went out onto the balcony to have milo with the guys.
At about 4am, after the milo, they guys walked us down to the main road and made sure we all got in our cabs. Never before have my band mates and i been treated sooo well before!
Ok, let me tell you guys that the design of the place was soooo nice... there was artwork everywhere. There's this "home" like feeling in the place. It's hard to describe but its so comfortable.
The drums and amps were awesome too. Our drums were white in color and the sound was sooo sweet. My drummer had to adjust it a little to make it fit him (height and stuff) but the guys gladly gave us the drum key and even helped him with it. My drummer was sooo pleased.
Like I said, the amps were awesome, esp. the bass amp and the marshall. woohoo. There were 4 guitars in suite 3 but we only used the acoustic cos we brought our own. The rest of their guitars looked decent but for a jam room, we didn't really expect to see a gibson or whatever you know?
There was this korg keyboard in suite 3 that was kind of strange. It's a Korg but the sound bank was weird. My keyboardist said that its an older model thats really good but theres something not working inside the keyboard. The guys there said that they didn't like the sound but decided to try and keep it cos it is part of the previous studios heritage. However, they are sending it to be fixed and on top of get, buying a new one for the room. They even switched the keyboard and let us use the keyboard from the next room. *thumbs up*
All in all, we had a great time. The place was beautiful, cosy and comfortable. service was superb and we lovee love love the drums and the overall sound!
No regrets on trying this place out. So i thought i'd share it with you guys.
My band has found a home.
