your favourite electric guitar body wood

what's your favourite electric guitar body wood?

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Difficult choice. I like both mahogany and basswood, though I like mahogany just a little bit more. I don't really like alder and I haven't tried the others, so...
i've only tried alder, mahogany and basswood...and of the 3 i like the sound of mahogany the best. it sounds damn smooth in all the amps i plug it into. too bad its sold :(
i've only tried alder, mahogany and basswood...and of the 3 i like the sound of mahogany the best. it sounds damn smooth in all the amps i plug it into. too bad its sold :(

mahogany has a very smooth grain ...and i love work on mahogany... :)
on the core of the old mahogany... it has a dark red color :)
Anyone has any experience with Paulownia? I did some research and found that its a cheap kind of wood for budget guitars, but i smell some hidden potential ..
tee hee hee ... tracked it....

looks like a nice wood... paulownia .... its categorized as a hard wood yes? its also a fast growing tree...

termites and other larva ... likes it... so be4 it goin to be a guitar... it should go through some treatment first... :D
Wow you're fast. Anyway Guitar Fetish stocks guitar bodies that're made of Paulownia. Just wondering if they'll make decent guitars or just run of the mill ones that i'll end up regretting.
tee hee ... i really wanna see paulownia in bare wood condition ... :) and test it .. well ill wrote it on my hunting list :p..

nyatoh .. marlique use it ... some ppl say .. it sounds like mahogany..
ive never saw it with my own eyes
Yup. Nyatoh sounds a lot like mahogany. Meranti is pretty cheap, right? My lowest-end Yamaha has meranti back and sides. Tone-wise is pretty good actually. Mellow tone.
jelutong... ive never seen it be4

meranti.. is a hardwood... i have some piece of it at home... i use it to make a shelf :p
i'm planning to use it next time to be a guitar neck :D together with mahogany
I would try meranti for the body and maple for the neck, would really love to see how it turns out. Thing about meranti is that it is very lightweight. :cool: But it is easily dented from my experience... Even worse than basswood.