your desired sound...


New member
if you had the money right now, what would be your desired gear??

mine would be...

customized fender stratocastor S-S-H pups
ibanez sa160
takamine gs240 acoustic guitar

marshal mg15-cdr amp

boss sd-1 overdrive
boss ch-1 chorus
mxr 90 phase
line 6 echo park
korg chromatic tuner
boss ac-2 acoustic simulator
if i had the dough, it would be a mesa f-50 head with a thd 2 x 12 cab. and a delay pedal. ta dah...!
or the carvin v3 would be great too...keke.
fenderrules said:
mine would be...
...marshal mg15-cdr amp

Fenderrules. you need.. more time lah. That is not a desired piece of equipment if you had all the dough in the world. Its really just a budget amp.
The apartment bedroom wannabe rocker dream rig here in Singapore.

Gibson SG 61 RI with WCR Filmores fitted with Tone Pros hardware
Thorn Artisan Deluxe to my specs
Taylor 814CE

Amp (no need to get 1/2 stack trust me. i am using one. all your pets will die by the time your master volume at 5.)
Reverend Kingsnake

Toneczar Echoczar
RMC or Fulltone or Area 51 or Budda Wah (They are all good)
MI Audio Crunchbox
Blackstone (Shred must be smiling eh?)
Keeley Compressor
Kaden Tremolo
DNA Gainfxxker (It's really spelt this way)
Foxrox Octavia
Analogman Chorus
Klon Centaur (gold box with centaur logo)
Pedaltrain Pedalboard
Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables and patch cables
Fender Strat
S-S-H with 6 point vintage trem guitar (might be a custom)

Mesa Lone Star with matching tolex 2x12
Mesa Road King with horizontal 2x12

Xotic RC Booster
T.C. Electronic G System

That's all and i'm good to go~~~~
Lifehouse said:
Amp (no need to get 1/2 stack trust me. i am using one. all your pets will die by the time your master volume at 5.)

You don't own any pets... anymore, right? :P
Haha i was thinking the same thing as Dan .. The guy like had a pretty impressive guitar list, and then he wrote MG15cdr ...
...that i will buy....pedals/amps all no need all the money in the world to get........just need reason to get can already.Van is a bit the expensive gear to buy...just for effects.
a Yamaha TRB 5-Stringer would be nice.
and a marshall mini-stack or micro-stack or wadever it's called
oh, and a boss ODB-1 bass overdrive.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
fenderrules said:
if you had the money right now, what would be your desired gear??

Mine would be a magic lamp to call Jimi Hendrix's spirit anytime I need, to possess me :twisted:
thor666 said:
Lifehouse said:
Amp (no need to get 1/2 stack trust me. i am using one. all your pets will die by the time your master volume at 5.)

You don't own any pets... anymore, right? :P

Still have. Loudest I went is 3. But it isnt very happy with me though. :smt003
Gibson Sg61Ri with Jb and Jazz
Fender Deluxe American Strat
Prs Custom 24.
JEM :twisted:

Marshall Jcm800
Vox Ac 30 ( For bedroom stuff :) )

Ac Booster
Marshall regenerator
A nice all solid-wood body OOO sized acoustic with sweet clear harmonics is what I'm gassing for right now :D


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